Two UT researchers join 1Twente debate

Tonight (Monday 26 October), Prof. Dr. Wieteke Willemen (Faculty of ITC) and Dr. Ringo Ossewaarde (Faculty of BMS) will discuss the 17 sustainable development goals formulated by the UN. The debate is organised by 1Twente on the occasion of '75 years of the UN’ and can be seen live at 19:30 via the website

In addition to Wieteke and Ringo, the following participants also join the debate: Han ten Broeke (former Member the Dutch House of Representatives and Director of Political Affairs at The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies), Matthijs Nijboer (Director of Nature and Environment Overijssel) and Ingrid Jansen (Director of Stimuland, Rural Development).


They will discuss, for example, the dilemmas for Overijssel regarding some of the 17 sustainable development goals formulated by the UN and signed by 193 countries. First of all, they will discuss the main dilemmas and challenges facing the province of Overijssel in the coming years with regard to the consequences of climate change.

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