UT Skills Lab and UT Writing Centre online

The UT Skills Lab is offering new online skills courses and workshops in the second quartile, including Developing Intercultural Competencies and Academic Speaking for intermediate and advanced speakers of English. We are also now offering a selection of online workshops in Dutch, including Scriptie Schrijven, Groepsopdracht, Een Efficiënt Verslag, and Schrijven in Stijl.

 See the UT Skills Lab in the Course Finder for more information.

The UT Writing Centre is providing 100% remote writing support during the second quartile. We offer free help to all students at all stages of the writing process. Need help checking your text for flow? Want to talk about how to structure a paragraph? Not sure how to improve your grammar? We are here for you. Writing support is available in English and Dutch.

Visit the UT Writing Centre website for more information.

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