Graduation Support Group

For students who want to graduate, but are struggling

Feelings of uncertainty go hand and hand with the graduation period. You have to deal with a great deal during this phase. You work on a long-term project largely independently, so you cannot rely on your fellow students and lecturers as much as in earlier phases of your studies. When it all gets too much for you and you stagnate so close to the finish line, the Graduation Support Group can offer support.

A fixed part of the Graduation Support Group sessions is keeping track of what you did the previous week and reviewing your schedule for the coming week. Strategies for overcoming challenges in the graduation phase, avoiding pitfalls and dealing with advisors and assessors also feature. You will experience a great deal of recognition and support from your fellow students in the group. There is also an emphasis on what graduation means to you and how to prepare yourself for life after your studies.

The group is available to both Bachelor’s and Master’s students.

  • Group info

    Continuously, even during holiday periods

  • When

    Monday: 10.15 - 11.15
    Wednesday: 09.00 - 10.00

  • Participation

    A maximum of 8 studenten. In case of more registrations you will be placed on a waiting list. 

  • Costs

    There is no charge for attending this group

  • Language

    Dutch, but if international students are participating English

  • Requirements

    Please contact the secretariat of SGW: +31 53 489 2035 or come to our desk in the Vrijhof, room 316, third floor (red desk)

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