the right decision
Turning right because your navigation system tells you to do it. Base your vote in elections on software that helps you determine your political preferences. In the (near) future we could all use self-driving cars. These are just a few situations in which we make decisions based on information from digital systems. The use of these technologies will grow drastically in the years to come and at a pace that even experts may find impossible to keep up with.
This makes the design of these technologies even more important. Some people will rely completely on the decisions they make based on these technologies or, in case of the self-driving car for example, the decisions this technology makes for them. This means the system has to make use of all available, and suitable, technologies to make its decisions. These include data science and artificial intelligence to name a few. This enables these systems to make well-informed decisions. DSI’s challenge is to ensure the quality of these technologies, and the decisions they make, is the best it can be, in current and future applications.
Join our network
Besides the examples mentioned above, we work with almost all faculties at the University of Twente. External partners, ranging from government institutions to healthcare providers and IT-businesses, are also part of our extensive network. Curious how we can help you? Contact us if you want to join this network and contribute to solve the challenges of our digital society.