UTDesignLab#EUvsVirus: UT supports European hackathon for corona solutions

#EUvsVirus: UT supports European hackathon for corona solutions

Now is your chance to help tackle the corona crisis! We call out to all minds in our UT community to join the #EUvsVirus hackathon on 24, 25 and 26 April. Students, civilians, researchers, partners – everyone’s input is welcome. This pan-European hackathon is organized by the European Commission to develop innovative solutions together for coronavirus-related challenges. DesignLab University of Twente is partner of this important initiative.


The hackathon connects civil society, universities, innovators, partners and investors from all member states in Europe. Led by the European Innovation Council, it is structured around categories of challenges that need short-term solutions in relation to coronavirus health and life, business continuity, remote working and education, social & political cohesion, digital finance and an open category for other challenges.

The winning solutions will be invited to join a European Innovation Council Platform that will facilitate connections with end users (e.g. hospitals) and provide access to investors, foundations and other funding opportunities from across the European Commission. Feel empowered to be creative together!

UT support

As UT’s experimental ecosystem focusing on innovative solutions for societal challenges, DesignLab University of Twente feels strongly about contributing to this initiative. “The coronavirus has a tremendous impact on our lives, globally. This is the time to bring together power from all different disciplines and parts of society, so we can make a difference”, says Sabine Wildevuur, DesignLab’s director. She also encourages citizens to take part in the hackathon, together with scientists and students. “As UT, we are convinced of the added value of involving citizens in research, because it benefits both research and society”, she explains.


Can you hack it? Register now on the EUvsVirus Hackathon website to be part of the solution! You can register as individual, as a team (of around max 7 persons), or as a mentor. The hackathon starts with an opening ceremony on Friday 24th at 5 PM. See the full agenda.