UTDesignLabCitizenScience @UT

CitizenScience @UT

11:00 - 13:00 | INFORM, DESIGNLAB

This meeting is open to employees of University of Twente, interested in collaborating on Citizen Science. Lunch is included.

What can CitizenScience contribute to research at the University of Twente? And how can the UT contribute to CitizenScience? The questions will have a central place in the DesignLab Fellows meeting on November 5 (11h00 - 13h00), which will also be open to anyone interested in CitizenScience.

Topfit project

CitizenScience is an upcoming theme in Academia, and the UT plays a central role in it. The recently awarded ’TopFit’ project will host 6 postdocs at the UT and 6 at Saxion, plus a CitizenLab in the city of Enschede, all devoted to CitizenScience in the field of Health and Wellbeing.

After a brief introduction to the topic, we hope to have a discussion with the DesignLab Fellows and others who are interested on the role CitizenScience could play at the UT.

How does it relate to the UT mission to connect Technology and Society, and to contribute to Open Science? What role could citizens play in scientific research, and what responsibilities do researchers have to enable citizens to get involved in scientific activities? What expertise is needed to engage in CitizenScience, both for citizens and for scientists?

Goal of the meeting is to create a basis for the further development of CitizenScience at the UT.

Join us & Register

Please let Secretary Anke de Koning know if you'd like to join this lunch meeting, and if you have any dietary restrictions:

more about citizen science @UT

Can't make the session, but interested in knowing more about collaborating for citizen science at University of Twente? Feel free to get in touch with:


S.E. Wildevuur (Sabine)
Director DesignLab

TechMed Centre

dr. R.M. van Wijk (Renske)
Coordinator External Collaborations