UTServicesCESStudent guidance & well-beingRegulationsFinancial support for students (FOBOS)

financial Support for students (FOBOS)

  1. If your studies are delayed due to illness, top-level sports or arts, or other special circumstances, you may be entitled to financial support for students (FOBOS - Profiling fund).

If your studies are delayed due to illness, top-level sports/arts or other special circumstances, you may be entitled to financial support for students in special circumstances (FOBOS - profiling fund).

The financial compensation rules are in the FOBOS: Financial Support for Special Circumstances of Students. The FOBOS is shortly explained in the video below. FOBOS has 3 main kinds of grants:

Force majeure allowance

In circumstances beyond your control, full-time bachelor's and master's students can request financial compensation for study delay. There are many reasons for asking for a force majeure allowance. For example: illness, psychological problems, pregnancy, family circumstances, or an insufficiently feasible study programme.

You should notify your study adviser as soon as your circumstances occur. If the circumstance causes a study delay, you also need to inform the student counsellor within 3 months of the start of the delay.

what to do when study delay influences your study (progress).

The Personal Circumstances Committee (CPO) will assess your application on behalf of the Executive Board and generally meets once every 6 weeks. In case of questions, please contact the CPO registry or a student counsellor.

  • The rules in short
    • The regulation FOBOS September 2024 is applicable
    • Only full-time enrolled students are eligible  
    • Support is only for recognized circumstances during the compensation period (standard course duration plus 1 extension year, also known as C+1 period) of your bachelor's and/or master's programme
    • The compensation period starts from your first moment of enrolment in Higher Education. As of September 2024 this changes in the first moment of enrolment at the University of Twente
    • When following a ‘ double master’ consisting of two diplomas’, the C+1 period is calculated over the duration of just one master programme.
    • Pre-master students are only eligible for this regulation in case of a recognized insufficient feasible educational programme
    • Submit your application within 3 months after your circumstances have ended, or if applicable earlier: within 3 months after your C+1 period or in the last month of your registration.
    • You must notify your study advisor as soon as your circumstances occur and notify the student counsellor within 3 months from the moment you are lagging behind
    • Extension of UTS/OTS grant is sometimes possible when a force majeure allowance is established
    • The amount of a month's force majeure allowance is equal to a one-month average tuition fee in the recognised period
    • You can receive max 24 months of support (up to max € 8,000)
    • The application should be supported with evidence, which can be emailed to cpo@utwente.nl
  • FAQ
    • What are the recognized circumstances for force majeure allowances?

      1. illness (including psychological problems);
      2. pregnancy and childbirth;
      3. a physical, sensory or other impairment;
      4. special family circumstances, such as:
          a. relationship problems,
          b. housing or social problems,
          c. illness or death of your partner, parents, children, brother or sister,
          d. divorce of your parents,
          e. problem adapting to Dutch culture and customs,
          f. informal care,
         g. maternity leaf for partners;
      5. an insufficient feasible educational programme;
      6. recognized top-level athletes of top-level artists;
      7. other circumstances then mentioned above which, if a request for financial support
          based on these circumstances were not to be granted, should lead to extreme
      8. Non-renewal of accreditation of the degree programme;

    • During which period are these circumstances eligible for support? 

      That is only possible in the C+1 period. C+1 = nominal course duration plus one additional academic year.
      This applies both for the Bachelor and Master and is calculated from the first start of the degree course (bachelor's or master's degree) at the UT.  
      For the bachelor: the first 4 years.
      For a one-year master: the first 2 years (and longer for a longer master).

    • I am pursuing a 'double master'. Is the study delay calculated over both masters?

      When following a ‘ double master’ consisting of two diplomas’, the C+1 period is calculated over the duration of just one master programme.

    • I switched my study. Does that affect the C+1 period?

      The C+1 period will be calculated from the first moment of enrolment for a degree course (bachelor or master) at the Univerity of Twente. So if you switch study during your bachelor or master degree course, the C+1 period will be calculated from the moment you've entered the first bachelor or master degree course at the University of Twente.

    • What is the procedure for a force majeure allowance?

      1. You need to report your circumstances to your study advisor as soon as they occur.
          Necessary adjustments will be discussed (e.g. modified study plan).
      2. When you are lagging behind due to the circumstances, you must notify the student
          counsellor within 3 months.
      3. Within 3 months after your delayed period, you can submit an application via the
          online application form.
          If your circumstances still persist, but your enrolment stops within a short time or you
          are at the end of your C+1 period, you must submit the application in the last
          month of registration or in the last month of your C+1 period.

    • I am at the end of my C+1 period, but my circumstances persist. What do I have to do?

      You are only eligible for a force majeure allowance for recognized circumstances during the C+1 period. You need to apply ultimately in the last month of your C+1 period.

    • When should I apply if I discontinue my studies or graduate within the C+1 period?

      If your circumstances persist, you need to apply for a force majeure allowance ultimately within the last month of enrolment.

    • I have an extra year study finance from DUO. Will that affect my force majeure allowance?

      No, an extra year study finance from DUO will not affect your force majeure allowance. 

    • I am a Pre-master student. Am I eligible for a force majeure allowance?

      Only in case of a proven insufficient feasible programme. But, for other circumstances, you are not eligible for a force majeure allowance.

    • I already have a degree and therefore I pay the UT institutional tuition fee. Am I eligible for a force majeure allowance?


    • Previous to my current study programme, I have been enrolled in another course of study. What are the consequences?

      The C+1 period starts at the first moment of enrolment at the University of Twente. So, in this case, C+1 started when you were enrolled in your previous study programme. This means that the period at the UT in which you are eligible to grants is shorter.

Mandatory proof

With an application for a force majeure allowance, you may need to submit proof. The evidence required depends on the circumstances for which you apply. This proof is needed in case of an application for a force majeure allowance based on the following recognised circumstances.

  • Illness and psychological problems

    Submit a recent statement from your Dutch BIG-registered physician or (student) psychologist about the period of your circumstances. If necessary, you can use the standard model for a medical certificate.

    When you are prolonged or chronically ill, you can contact the student counsellor to discuss the possibility of an extended-year performance grant or study advance from DUO. This can be done next to your application for a force majeure allowance.

  • Pregnancy and delivery

    Submit a medical certificate or birth certificate.
    We assume that the study delay does not exceed 4 months. However, if the delay does exceed 4 months, you will have to substantiate the cause and period of the delay with a medical certificate.

  • Maternity leave for partners

    Submit a birth certificate and if possible, a supporting statement.

  • A physical, sensory or other functional disorder

    Submit a recent certificate of your Dutch BIG-registered physician or (student) psychologist for the period of your circumstances.

    Contact the student counsellor to discuss the possibility of an extended-year performance grant or study advance. This can be done next to your application for a force majeure allowance.

  • Illness or death of your partner, parents, children, brother or sister

    With a partner, we mean your spouse or the person with whom an unmarried student cohabitates as a life partner.

    Submit, if possible, a medical certificate which indicates the delayed period. In case of death, you need to hand in a death certificate.

  • Informal care, divorce of parents, relationship, housing or social problems

    Submit, if possible, a supporting statement. Also if you have problems adapting to Dutch culture and customs, submit a supporting document.

  • An insufficient feasible programme or non-renewal of accreditation of the programme

    This is the case when your educational programme is organised in a way that you cannot complete the final exam within the determined period.

    Submit a detailed explanation of the cause and the period of the study delay. Indicate which arrangements you made with your educational programme to limit the delay. Add any additional supporting documents.

    Your report will be sent to the educational programme and you will receive their reaction to your report. If you have problems with the procedure, please contact a student counsellor to discuss it.

Questionnaire for assessment of circumstances
Start here
Apply for a force majeure allowance
Application form
Please let your study advisor know about your circumstances as soon as possible.

Activism grants

FOBOS also has activism grants. These are awarded to students on a board, committee or team, and to student members of the student council or university committee for education. A full list of organisations can be found in Appendix B of the FOBOS regulations. The Student Union and umbrella organisations specify which associations and organisations are entitled to activism grants. A distinction is made between full-time and part-time boards/teams.

The Personal Circumstances Committee (CPO) assesses the applications on behalf of the Executive Board. In case of questions, please contact the CPO registry or a student counsellor


You are only eligible for activism grants if the term falls within the compensation period. This is the standard course duration plus 1 extension year, also known as the C+1 period. This does not apply to members of the University Council. You are eligible when you receive a positive binding recommendation (BSA) before the eligibility period. The compensation period counts from the moment of the first enrolment at UT. Thus:


  • The application for the group

    The umbrella organisations and Student Union allocate the grants. After the calendar year, the eligible organizations submit an application before 1 April through the online application form

  • The individual student

    If your organisation has applied for grants on your behalf, you will receive an email (in your UT mailbox) with the request to complete the application with your data. Contact the CPO registry when your UT account has expired. 

  • Change in the board during the calendar year

    Activism grants are allocated per calendar year. If there is a change in the board during the calendar year, the grants must be divided between the members of both boards. The exact active period of the board should be specified. Note: no more than one grant per active board month can be awarded.

  • Part-time or full-time grant
    • Part-time grants are indexed; for the calendar year 2023, it is €180.- per grant, for the calendar year 2024 €188.- per grant and for the calendar year 2025 € 206,- per grant. Obtained ECs are if no consequence.
    • A full-time grant is equal to the average amount of tuition fees paid during the term of office. If 5 EC or more are obtained during that period, this will influence the number of grants awarded (see FOBOS, Appendix B, point 6).
  • Additional and ad hoc grants

    Next to activism grants for board members (basic list), there are also extra grants (cat. 5). The Student Union and umbrella boards together allocate those grants to qualified associations/organizations. 


  • FAQ Recognised organisations
    • When does an organization qualify for activism grants? 

      An organization is only eligible for activism grants when they are recognised by the Student Union (SU) and also meet the conditions listed in Appendix B of the FOBOS regulation.

    • How can an organization apply for SU-recognition?

      A request for SU-recognition can be filed at the Student Union. The SU determines whether an organisation can be Union-recognized, and at the same time, whether the organization qualifies for activism grants. 

    • Our organization is SU-recognized but not jet mentioned in FOBOS, Appendix B. How many grants do we get?

      As soon as the Student Union has recognized an organization, they will discuss with the CPO registry how many grants will be allocated. At first, these grants are taken from the category 5 grants budget (formerly called additional and ad-hoc grants). At the biennial assessment, the organization may be added to FOBOS, Appendix B.

    • Where can I see if my organization qualifies for activism grants?

      Appendix B of the FOBOS scheme holds a list of organizations that qualify for activism grants (basic list), as well as the grants available grants for extra and additional activities.

    • Our organization is recognized. But, we should get more grants then mentioned in FOBOS, Appendix B. What to do?

      Every year the Student Union assess the members' count on 1 November preceding the relevant calendar year. Based on that result, the allocation of activism grants may be adjusted.

    • I am on the board of a national organization. Am I entitled to a FOBOS activism grant?

      If you are on the board of a Dutch political youth organization or a Dutch national organization that engages in activities that are important for higher education, you may be entitled to a national government grant. The organization can apply for this at DUO (information in Dutch).

  • FAQ Group application
    • When can my organization submit their application? 

      After the calendar year, until the 1st of April, an eligible organization can submit the application online.

    • Who takes care of the application for my organization and how does it work? 

      The organization appoints 1 student who will take care of the application (= applicant). This must be a bachelor- or master student who still has a valid student account.
      The name and student number of that student need to be passed on to the CPO registry. The registry ensures that the student in question gets clearance to log on to the web application. The applicant will receive an automated e-mail as soon as login is possible.

    • Which information should be on the application form?

      Name and student number of all students from the organization, who are eligible for grants for the concerning calendar year and per student the number of grants requested. They may therefore be the members of two boards if there has been a change of board.
      Mind! the maximum number of grants per person and the period during which the student served on the board during the relevant calendar year (see Appendix B of the FOBOS-regulation). Depending on the moment of the board change, you may have to take into account both the previous and the current board.

      If grants are allocated from the basic list (Appendix B of the FOBOS-regulation) as well as additional- and ad-hoc grants, please indicate per student how many grants are requested from the basic budget and how many from the extra budget.

      The application can be saved and altered. However, once the application has been submitted (send), changes can only be made via the CPO registry.   

    • What is important when you fill in the application?

      Only full-time UT bachelor- or master students are eligible for grants. Pre-master students or students enrolled for a post-initial programme (except those enrolled in the two-year Master's programme Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation) are not eligible.

      When the Board changed during the calendar year, the members of both the previous and the current board should be mentioned on the application (use a distribution formula: x/12th for the previous board and x/12th for the current board). The exact period in which the student served on the board during the calendar year in question must be stated and no more than one grant can be awarded per active board month.

      Students must have a positive Binding Recommendation (BSA) for their programme before the period for which activism grants are applied.

      Students must have paid tuition fees at UT and have no previous degree.

      The calendar year of the application must fall within the C+1 period of the bachelor's or master's (C+1 = nominal study duration plus 1 extension year, counted from the first moment of enrollment at the UT). For a member of the University Council, the C+1 period does not apply.

      A student is only entitled to a maximum number of 12 grants per calendar year and a maximum number of 24 grants for the entire enrollment period at UT.
      Note: 1 grant is compared to 1 month. Therefore, if a student was enrolled for less than 12 months during the calendar year or part of the period in the board does not fall within the C+1 period, he/she can never receive more grants for that calendar year than those who fall within the C+1 period or for which he/she was enrolled.

    • How many grants can we request?

      The FOBOS, Appendix B, indicates exactly how many grants an organization is eligible for. It also indicates the maximum number of grants per person.

    • We can apply for part-time grants. Are credits obtained taken into account?

      No, credits earned are not taken into account.

    • We can apply for full-time grants. Are credits obtained taken into account?

      Yes, credits obtained during the period for which you apply for the activism grants may influence the grants to be awarded.

      For 5 credits obtained, 1 grant less is awarded (equal to 1 month's tuition fee). Exception: a maximum of 2 resits up to 10 credits.
      If you obtain 15 credits or more, the grants to be awarded will be converted into part-time grants. Exception: if you obtain 15 credits for a board/team minor, 3 grants will be deducted, but the grants will not be converted to part-time grants. If, in addition to the board/team minor, 5 credits or more are obtained, the full-time grants are still converted into part-time grants.

    • We have fewer/more board members than usually. What does that mean for the application?

      FOBOS, Appendix B, indicates the size of the board, on which the allocated grants are determined, and also the number of grants per person. If this does not match with the size of your board the following applies:

      Smaller board: only the maximum number of grants per person can be applied for. Therefore, it is possible that not all allocated grants can be used. The remaining grants will be transferred to the category additional and ad-hoc grants.

      Bigger board: the total number of grants allocated to your organization can be divided (in whole numbers) amongst the lager number of board members.

      Please note: different rules apply to performance teams.

    • Does our organization qualify for additional and ad-hoc grants?

      The Student Union decides, in consultation with the umbrella boards, at the end of every calendar year which organizations qualify for the additional and ad-hoc grants and inform the CPO registry about it. When you fill in the application form, you can see exactly how many grants are available: the number of grants for the basic budget and the extra budget stands apart. You need to indicate per student how much grants are applied for from the basic budget and/or the extra budget.

  • FAQ Individual application
    • When do I qualify for activism grants?

      You have done (or are still doing) a board function with a recognized organization (see FOBOS, Appendix B) to which activism grants have been allocated.

      During the period on the board, you were enrolled as a full-time bachelor's- or master's student, paid UT tuition fee and received a positive binding recommendation (BSA) before the period for which you apply for activism grants. Pre-master students are not eligible for activism grants.

      The period in the board was within the C+1 period. This is for the:
      Bachelor: the first 4 years counted as from the first moment of enrolment for a bachelor traject in higher education;
      Master: the first 2 years of a one-year master as from the moment of enrolment for master's traject in higher education. For a two- or three-year master, the C+1 period is respectively 1- or 2 years longer.
      For a member of the University Council, the C+1 period does not apply.

    • When can an individual student file an application for activism grants?

      As soon as the organization has submitted their group application, every individual student on that application will receive an automated email (UT mailbox). You will be asked to complete the application with your personal data (IBAN) and to approve the application.
      The application will be handled as soon as all students on the application have completed it with their data and approved the application.
      If grants are applied for you, and you no longer have a UT-mail account, please contact the CPO registry.

    • What happens when everybody has completed/approved the application?

      The CPO registrar checks if everyone meets the conditions of the regulation. If that's the case, all individual students will receive a decision per email, which states the total amount and the date it will be transferred to your bank account.
      If one or more students don't comply with the conditions of the regulation, the registrar will contact the student who filled the application, in order to discuss whether the application can be adjusted.

    • I can't complete/approve the application because I don't have a UT-account anymore. What to do?

      Please contact the CPO registrar.

    • What is the status of my application

      If you have submitted (send) the application, in the application system under 'my applications' you will see 'concept'. As soon as all student on the group application has completed their part, the status of your application changes into 'handling'. If the application has been handled, the status changes into 'decision".

    • What is the amount of the activism grant?

      Fulltime activism: the amount per grant is equal to the average tuition fees paid in the recognized period
      Parttime activism: the amount per grant is set every calendar year (2023: €180, 2024: €188, 2025: €206)

    • I am a pre-master student. Am I eligible for activism grants?


    • I already have a degree and therefore I pay the UT institutional tuition fee. Am I eligible for activism grants? 


    • Only in the C+1 period, one could get activism grants. What is C+1?

      The C+1 period is the nominal course duration plus one extension year per study phase. This is for the:
      Bachelor: the first 4 years counted as from the first moment of enrolment for a bachelor traject in higher education;
      Master: the first 2 years of a one-year master as from the moment of enrolment for master traject in higher education. For a two- or three-year master, the C+1 period is respectively 1- or 2 years longer.

      When you graduate within the C+1 period, the period for which you are eligible for activism grants ends.

      For a member of the University Council, the C+1 period does not apply.

    • Previous to my current study programme, I have been enrolled in another course of study. What are the consequences?

      The C+1 period starts at the first moment of enrolment at the Univerisity of Twente. So, in this case, C+1 will start on the first moment you have been enrolled in your previous study programme. This means that the period at the UT for your second programme is shorter.

    • I also have had personal circumstances during the period on the board. What does this mean for me?

      When you have received activism grants for a calendar year and then over (a part of) that period apply for a force majeure allowance, the CPO will take this into account.
      So for example, if you were sick or had to do with special family circumstances, you can get a force majeure allowance. The CPO, who will make a decision in determining the support will deduct the number of activism grants awarded from the calculated force majeure allowance.

    • Is there a maximum to the number of grants I can get per year?

      Yes, the maximum number of grants per year is 12 (activism grants, top-level sports and/or top-level arts grants and force majeure allowance months included).
      However, if you were registered for less than 12 months during the calendar year in question, you can never receive more activism grants for that calendar year than the number of months registered.

    • Is there a maximum to the number of grants I can get during the enrolment period on the UT?

      Yes, the maximum number of grants for the whole enrolment period on the UT is 24 (up to a maximum amount of € 8,000; activism grants and top-level sports and/or top-level arts grants included))

    • Do I have to pay taxes when receiving activism grants?

      No, an activism grant is a compensation out of the Profiling Fund (WHW 7.51) which is not taxable.

    • I am a student from a non-EEA country. What does the study progress monitoring within the framework of the Modern Migration Policy (MoMi) means?

      Check de MoMi regulations. There is stated if MoMi standard can be adjusted based on your activities.

  • FAQ Compensation for student participation
    • Who is eligible for support?

      These are students active as:

      • student member University Council
      • student member University Committee for Education
      • student member Faculty Council
      • student member Programma Committee
      • student assessor Faculty Board

      See Participation Compensation Scheme.

    • What do I qualify for?

      You can apply for the following:

Apply for an activism grant
application form
The organisation can apply for the whole group before 1 April following the calendar year


For the academic years 2023/2024 and 2024/205, a pilot for entrepreneurial grants has been launched. This will give entrepreneurial students the chance to put their studies on hold for a year and focus entirely on their start-ups. Information on the conditions and the selection procedure can be found on the Student Union site. For information on the available grants you can contact the CPO registry.

Top-level sports and arts grants

You can also receive financial support if you perform top-level sports and arts. There are two categories:

You must apply to the subcommittee Top-level Sport/Arts, after talking to a student counsellor. This sub-committee handles your submitted application and advises the CPO on the recognition. In case of questions, please contact the CPO registry or contact a student counsellor. If you are not (yet) eligible for the status of a top-level athlete, we refer you to the Student Union top-level sports fund.


If you are recognized, you are entitled to the following facilities:


  • 1. Meet with a student counsellor

    First, go to the student counsellor. Before you apply for recognition, you need to have a meeting with a student counsellor of SACC, to discuss the feasibility of your application. You can make the appointment via the SACC secretariat: +31 53 489 2035.

  • 2. Application for recognition

    Application for recognition as a top-level athlete/artist must be submitted from 1 September and before 1 December of the current academic year. At least attach a statement about your sports- or cultural federation, which mentions your level. You can upload the statement with your application or email it to the CPO registry.

    Apply for recognition as a top-level athlete or top-level artist
    application form
    Apply before 1 December
  • 3. Application for a grant

    Application for a grant (in case of recognition in category 1) can be submitted from 1 September and before 1 December after the academic year. Only students recognised in Category 1 are eligible for a maximum of 4 grants per academic year. When submitting, mentioning the study delay is not necessary.

    Apply for payment of Grants
    Grants payout
    apply after the end of the academic year concerned (before 1 December) if you have recognition in category 1
  • (4. Claim costs incurred for the free use of UT facilities)

    If necessary: claim costs incurred for the free use of UT facilities. When submitting, mention the costs (such as a fitness card or union card). Mentioning study delay is not necessary. In addition, sending proof of payment (such as a bank statement) to the CPO registry is mandatory.

Apply for recognition as a top-level athlete or top-level artist
Application form

FOBOS regulation in full

Committee Personal Circumstances (CPO)

The Personal Circumstances Committee (CPO) is an advisory body of the Executive Board that generally meets once every six weeks. She implements the FOBOS scheme of the university. The CPO is also responsible for the assessment of personal circumstances under the terms of Binding Recommendation First-Year Students (BSA) and Modern Migration Policy (MoMi).



FOBOS Advisory Committee (FAC)

The FAC is an advisory body charged by the Executive Board, which draws up regulations for financial support for students in specific circumstances and evaluates the existing FOBOS scheme. The FAC overlaps with the CPO and has a policy-preparing role whereas the CPO ensures the handling of the students’ requests for financial support.