Become active and get inspired
The BMS Teaching Academy facilitates and stimulates the exchange and sharing of experiences among BMS teachers. We want to highlight 4 ways to get involved in a blossoming community of teachers, both in BMS and beyond.
The BMS Teaching Community
An Teams environment "BMS Teaching community" is started to share ideas and experiences among BMS teachers. Additionally, this Teams is also a hub for recordings and presentations of previous (online) events, including EdFest 2022.
Professional Learning Communities
For those that want to dive into a certain topic, professional learning communities (PLCs) are set up. A pilot is being ran with two groups, one on Challenge Based Learning, and one on Blended Learning.
Our events
Another way to get inspired by those around you, and inspire others, is by attending events of the BMS Teaching Academy and our partners. Check out our events page to see what's on the planning now.
UT-wide Teaching Community
On April 12th 2022, the UT-wide teaching community will be launched: "The Teaching Community is set up to help UT teachers connect, contribute to coherence in the range of teaching innovation initiatives, and support further evidence-informed innovation. The 4TU.Centre for Engineering Innovation is committed to help develop this idea further in collaboration with CELT."