UTFacultiesBMSResearchBMS Research SupportNews (research related)VENI 2022 - embedding guarantee procedures BMS

VENI 2022 - embedding guarantee procedures BMS Submit to facultyboard before 24 June

We would like to inform you about this year’s BMS procedure regarding the requests for an ‘embedding guarantee’ for staff willing to apply for the NWO VENI.

The procedures are similar to last year, both Section & Department chairs are actively involved in requesting an embedding guarantee for candidates.

In practice, the section chair is still responsible together with the candidate to provide the necessary statements/documents to the department chair. After department board alignment, the department chair forwards the request to the dean and people in cc (as stated in procedure), by explicitly expressing the section & department chairs' consent with the request for an embedding guarantee for the candidate.

The NWO VENI deadline for submitting the pre-proposal is 6 Sept'22. The deadline for submitting the full proposal for all domains is 24 Jan'23.

Requests for an embedding guarantee need to be submitted by the Department chair to the Facultyboard before 24 June!!!

Request for Embedding guarantee

The BMS procedure for requesting a VENI embedding guarantee by the Faculty Board:

Section chair and candidate: agree with the candidate’s project proposal, and taking into account the consequences of grant acquirement for the section (i.e. in terms of the employment contract and time/topic dedication), and how the proposal is aligned with the BMS Research focus.
Subsequently, the Section chair aligns with the Department chair on candidate(s). 

  1. Department chair sends (BEFORE 24 JUNE) an email (entitled 'Embedding guarantee [name candidate]' to 'BMS dean', cc to: Section chair, candidate, Lyan Kamphuis-Blikman, and the Grants Office (Noortje van der Knaap). 
    The email explicitly states:
    section & department chair's consent with the candidate's project proposal
    - a statement that they both take into account the consequences of grant acquirement for the department/section (i.e. in terms of employment contract and time/topic dedication. Please discuss employment consequences explicitly with the HR advisor of your section to avoid unpleasant surprises);
    - a statement that the candidate will be allowed time to write the full proposal.
    - a quarter A4 motivation how the VENI proposal is aligned with the BMS Research focus (we need this input to draft the guarantee);
    - please attach CV of the candidate and a short (about 300 words) summary of the proposal. Instead, a concept of the pre-proposal is also sufficient.

--> After the FacultyBoard meeting end June, a confirmation email will be sent including the positive/negative advice to chairs and candidate, and i.a. the embedding guarantee.

Around the NWO submission pre-proposal date we ask the candidates to reply (to all) to the received confirmation email and attach his/her completed pre-proposal. This is to check correspondence with the earlier received documents on which the embedding guarantee was based, and for our archive. 

We expect candidates planning to apply for VENI 2022 to be already prepared by now and can submit timely before our internal deadline. 

Info is also published on BMS Research Support.

On behalf of the BMS Faculty Board,

Dr. Lyan Kamphuis-Blikman