UTFacultiesBMSOrganisationElections 2024Standing for election 17 april 2024

Standing for election 17 april 2024


On behalf of the dean, we would like to draw your attention to the elections for the Faculty Council of our Faculty BMS, which will be held from 10 June – 14 June 2024. This year there will be elections for both staff-members and students.

1   Electoral register

The Election Committee BMS has pulled up electoral registers for students and staff on 19 March 2024. Only if your name is included in this register you can be a candidate for membership of the Faculty Council BMS and are able to cast a vote during the election period.
You have the possibility to check if you are on the list from Thursday 21 March until Tuesday 26 March. You can send your request to check if you are on the list by mail to Jasmine van der Weerd, j.n.vanderweerd@utwente.nl.

Please check if you are registered correctly. You can appeal until 2 April by email reply.

2    Stand for a seat in the Faculty Council BMS

Both employees and students may stand for the Faculty Council BMS. Students stand for one year, employees stand for a two-year cycle. In the Faculty Council BMS you will think along, co-advise and co-decide on faculty policy (the Education and Examination Regulations (EER), financial resources for education and research, agreement on the establishment of or ending of a department.

To nominate yourself, please present yourself no later than 17 April, 17:00 hours with a nominee list and a statement of willingness. Your candidacy must be supported by five employees or students who are in the same electoral register as you are. See for the mentioned forms and other information the webpages of the elections. We ask you to forward your endorsement via email to Jasmine van der Weerd. This statement replaces the signature procedure.

Make yourself heard … and nominate yourself!

Note that you can nominate yourself through an individual list or with a collective list together with likeminded nominees. Seats are allocated to the lists based on the number of votes cast on the list. In case of a vacancy during the course of a session, the seat is offered to nominees from the same list first. For further information on the Faculty Council BMS see their webpages or turn to current members of the Faculty Council BMS.