Research Project - SAMKIN

A growing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) means that more and more employees have to deal with collaboration with smart tools. This collaboration brings both threats and opportunities. One thing seems certain: the use of AI in the workplace has consequences for the tasks and quality of work of employees in various sectors. This project investigates from different perspectives what the experiences and perceptions of employees are about collaboration with AI and what consequences this collaboration has for their task design.

With a link to the website of the project at Institute Gak: 
Article in PW: Samenwerken met kunstmatige intelligentie - hoe het werk(en) met AI verandert (
(only available in Dutch).

Furhat project: Studying AI with AI in Academia

Using AI to understand AI in academia:
Exploring AI practices in and AI experiences of academics with Furhat


The overall aim of this research project is to further our knowledge of AI technologies in academic practices. More specifically, we aim to gain a more profound understanding of:

 (1) The (possible) use of AI in academic practices of research and teaching; and

 (2) The AI experiences of academic professionals in using AI in these research and teaching practices.

We focus both on the actual use and possible uses of AI technologies in academic practices. Exploring the possible use of AI in the academic practices of research and teaching means that we not only focus on the possibilities and threats of working with the technology, like its advantages, disadvantages, challenges and/or improvements but more importantly, on the changes in the research and teaching practices resulting from working with the AI technology.

Furhat Research Report - Studying AI with AI in academia