
Tim van Dulmen (1985) studied Molecular Life Sciences at the Radboud University in Nijmegen and completed his master degree in 2009. One year later he finished a MSc in Chemistry Education.

Since August 2010 he is working as a teacher at Gymnasium Apeldoorn. He teaches several subjects: Chemistry, Science Orientation (WO) and Nature, Life & Technology (NLT).

In February 2018 Tim started as a doctoral researcher at the University of Twente, where he is doing research on the context-concept method in chemistry education:

“Exciting and important research is being conducted at the UT in the field of nanochemistry, for instance related to alternative fuels and early cancer diagnosis. This research can be an interesting and motivating context for secondary education students. In this study we develop, explicate and apply pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) for leveraging these engaging contexts to learn nanochemistry concepts. First, PCK for chemically relevant topics is researched. Simultaneously, materials on alternative fuels and early cancer diagnosis are developed together with teachers from a teacher design team. To refine and test the PCK embodied in the materials, both modules will be tested, first in a pilot and later in a field trial.”