Dipl. Ing. Isabel Kreiner
Email: ikreiner@itesm.mx
Isabel Kreiner holds a Master degree in Environmental Engineering with focus on water quality from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. She has more than 30 years’ experience in the development of research and consulting projects in the environmental engineering (hazardous waste management and air pollution control) and environmental management fields. In addition, Isabel has more than 15 years’ experience in technology transfer processes and innovation management. Since 2004, she leads the Project Management Department at the Tecnológico de Monterrey (TEC), Campus Estado de México, and developed the Technology Transfer Office at this campus in 2012. From 2014 she is responsible of the Research Development Office at the “Vice-Rectorate for Research and Technology Transfer” at ITESM.
During her different contractual obligations, she developed some reports analyzing the environmental management practices and research landscape in Mexico. Isabel Kreiner has participated in several international cooperation projects (technical cooperation as well as scientific cooperation with German organizations, and FP6/7 projects).
Her present interests are on the field of Sustainability Management, Eco-Innovation, Innovation management and Research Management.
Isabel has been a part-time PhD candidate under the supervision of Professor dr. J.T.A. Bressers and dr. María-Laura Franco-García at the Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM), UT, since 2011. Her research explores the state of art of methodologies and indicators used to measuring the implementation of sustainable development in industrial parks with the objective to develop a model applicable also in emerging countries.