Kamia joined CSTM in 2016 as a PhD researcher under the supervision of Prof. Tatiana Filatova. After completing her PhD, she continues her affiliation with University of Twente as a guest researcher while working in the energy sector in Indonesia. She holds a Master of Science (Cum Laude) in Energy and Environmental Management from the University of Twente and completed her Bachelor of Environmental Engineering at Bandung Institute of Technology.
Her research focuses on the low-carbon and climate-resilient energy sector. Her expertise and research interest include energy transition, climate change mitigation and adaptation, carbon credit, and environmental & social safeguards for energy project.
She published articles in prominent peer-reviewed journals, including Applied Energy and Energy Policy. She also regularly writes articles in media, such as The Jakarta Post and The Conversation magazine. Her publications can be accessed here.
Expertise and Research Interests:
- Clean Development Mechanism
- Carbon credits
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Environmental and social safeguards for energy projects
Journal articles
1. Handayani, K., Filatova, T, Krozer, Y., & Anugrah, P. (2020). Seeking for climate change mitigation and adaptation nexus: Analysis of a long-term power system expansion. Applied Energy, 262, [114485].
2. Handayani, K., Filatova, T., & Krozer, Y. (2019). The Vulnerability of the Power Sector to Climate Variability and Change: Evidence from Indonesia. Energies, 12(19), 3640.
3. Gonella, F., Almeida, C. M. V. B., Fiorentino, G., Handayani, K., Spanò, F., Testoni, R., & Zucaro, A. (2019). Is technology optimism justified? A discussion towards a comprehensive narrative. Journal of cleaner production, 223, 456-465.
4. Handayani, K., Krozer, Y., & Filatova, T. (2019). From fossil fuels to renewables: An analysis of long-term scenarios considering technological learning. Energy Policy, 127, 134-146.
5. Handayani, K., Krozer, Y., & Filatova, T. (2017). Trade-offs between electrification and climate change mitigation: An analysis of the Java-Bali power system in Indonesia. Applied energy, 208, 1020-1037.
Conference proceedings
1. Handayani, K., Filatova, Anugrah, P. Al-Rasyid, F (2020). Evaluating the impact of climate change on hydropower availability in the Java-Bali power system, Indonesia. 7th IAEE Asia-Oceania Conference 2020, Auckland, New Zealand.
2. Handayani, K., Filatova, T., Krozer, Y., & Anugrah, P. (2019). Toward a low-carbon and climate-resilient power system: A case of the Indonesian power sector. 42nd IAEE International conference, Montreal, Canada.
3. Handayani, K., Krozer, Y., & Filatova, T. (2017). Assessment of renewable energy expansion in the Java-Bali islands, Indonesia. In S. Ulgiati, L. Vanoli, M. T. Brown, M. Casazza, & H. Schnitzer (Eds.), 10th Biennial International Workshop Advances in Energy Studies : Energy futures, environment and well-being (pp. 271). TU Graz.
4. Handayani, K., Krozer, Y. (2014). Cost-effectiveness of emission reduction for the Indonesian coal-fired power plants. The 20th Conference of Electric Power Supply Industry, International Convention Center Jeju, South Korea.