Within the BME programme there are 5 different tracks: Bioengineering Technologies, Imaging and In Vitro Diagnostics, Physiological Signals and Systems, Biorobotics, Medical Device Design. For a detailed overview of the content (and different focus) of the tracks:
The BME programme is based on the research themes of the TechMed Centre, the research centre for Biomedical Engineering and Technical Medicine. BME students choose a course list together with their graduation professor from one of the TechMed Centre research groups (with two additional MESA+ groups: MTG & BMEL). A complete overview of the research groups can also be found on our Canvas page BMT and BME.
Below you will find an overview of all the Biomedical Engineering courses, listed per track, and the pre-approved free electives (for more information on the content of the courses, click on the course to go to the Osiris Course Catalogue). The chosen course lists:
- Should reflect their interests and the contents of their graduation project
- Forms a coherent programme, approved by their graduation professor
- Contains a number of preapproved core BME/elective courses, but may also contain other master-level courses (subject to approval by the Board of Examiners)
Each list has to conform to the following minimum requirements:
The majority of the tracks are constructed in the following way:
Master year 1:
- 30 EC compulsory (6 courses (7 for BR*))
- 15 EC electives from a pre-structured group of elective courses
- Maximum 15 EC free choice of electives (see pre-approved electives). If students and their graduation professor would like to include any other courses that are outside the core BME curriculum, the student can submit this list for approval to the Board of Examiners. Please include a motivation for the selected course(s) and how these will relate to the final qualifications as a Biomedical Engineer. Where possible, also include information on how the courses will contribute toward the master thesis.
- Master year 2: internship of 15 EC and master thesis of 45 EC.
* Total amount of courses is 60 EC, and students may choose 1 elective or pre-approved free elective course less
If you have any questions after reading this information, please contact on of our study advisors at