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Physics of Complex Fluids (PCF)
Dept CE
Physics of Complex Fluids (PCF)
Dept CE
Research Proposal on Nanofluidics accepted
Out of 116 research proposals, 28 were granted, one of which was done by the PCF group.
Strongly heterogeneous dynamics in the interior of living biological cells
The question how living biological cells adapt their local or global mechanical properties when they have to move or deform, is intriguing and a field of intensive study worldwide.
PCF and PoF win Prestigious Veeco’s HarmoniX Research Grant
In a worldwide competition, Veeco, the world’s largest manufacturer of Atomic Force Microscopes selected 9 research proposals of leading groups in scanning probe microscopy to explore the potential of the novel imaging mode “HarmoniX” introduced by the company last summer. PCF and PoF are one of the selected 9.
PhD defence of Yixuan (Jane ) Li
On Wednesday the 11th of November Yixuan Li will defend her thesis, titled "Linking Particle Dynamics to Intracellular Micromechanics in Living Cells".
Presentation Andreas Bausch (TU Munchen)
Prof. Bausch will speak on Tuesday the 10th of November at 16:20 in Spiegel 1, in the MESA+ colloquium / Bio Soft Matter Mechanics colloquium about cytoskeletons.
Mirco- and Nanofluidics for Enhanced Oil Recovery
The PCF group starts a major collaborative research project on Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) together with energy corporation BP. During 5 years, BP will sponsor research at PCF with a total amount of funding of € 4.25 million.
To merge or not to merge…
Frieder Mugele comments in Nature News & Views on a recent very surprising work by Bill Ristenpart, Howard Stone and others. These authors report in a recent paper in Nature that oppositely charged water drops do not coalesce if their charge exceeds a certain value.
Highlight article Soft Matter Reviews
In the September 1st edition of Soft Matter Reviews, the highlight article "Fundamental challenges in electrowetting: from equilibrium shapes to contact angle saturation and drop dynamics" by Frieder Mugele appeared, explaining recent progress in the understanding of the physical principles of electrowetting.
Overlijden Prof. dr. Jorrit Mellema
Tot onze droevenis is afgelopen zaterdag 5 september onze voormalige leerstoelhouder Prof. dr. Jorrit Mellema na een slopende ziekte, overleden.