UTFacultiesTNWNEMNewsHarold Zandvliet's proposal ‘2D dissipationless transport in electronic kagome lattices’ has granted by NWO (November 2021).

Harold Zandvliet's proposal ‘2D dissipationless transport in electronic kagome lattices’ has granted by NWO (November 2021).

Harold Zandvliet's proposal ‘2D dissipationless transport in electronic kagome lattices’ has been granted by NWO (November 2021).

If two germanene (the germanium analogue of graphene) layers are stacked on-top of each other with a small twist angle an electronic kagome lattice emerges. The application of a transverse electric field breaks the inversion symmetry and result in the formation of a two-dimensional network of topologically protected one-dimensional conducting channels. The electronic transport in these 2D networks is dissipationless which opens de door to devices applications.

 For more information see: NWO | Zestien vernieuwende onderzoeksprojecten van start via Open Competitie ENW-M