
With this resources page, we hope to bring information around several LGBTQ+-related topics together. Use the overview below to jump to a topic you want to learn more about, or need help with. We have curated a selection of external resources to link to, as there are many other organisations with lots of expertise on specific topics. If you are missing anything, have suggestions, or more questions, send us and email.

Last update: December 2024.

Welcome to our information hub!

All-gender toilets

Here is an overview of the all-gender toilets on campus. This list has last been updated on 31st of January 2024 (per the UT news item). If you notice any irregularities or re-gendering of these toilets, please send us an email immediately.


Room number






















Waaier/Hal B
















































































































Vleugel Spiegel



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Coming Out

Coming out is mostly referred to as the moment when someone declares publicly that they are part of the LGBTQ+ community. Sometimes called "coming out of the closet", this is a very personal moment where someone trusts you enough to share their identity with you. This means that you must be extremely careful not to out someone, especially in environments that are not fully safe. People may be out at work, but not with their family, or the other way around. So ask your friend/colleague/family member if you are uncertain, do not make assumptions here.

Resources For you

Resources For your family

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Tips for allies

An ally is someone who supports a specific community, in an LGBTQ+ context this mostly refers to someone outside of the community standing up for us, through word and action. You can also be an ally of women in the workplace, or people of colour, but for this section we will focus on allies of the queer community.

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Education should be accessible and available for all students. The following resources can help you educate yourself on inclusive education in the class, and an inclusive educational system as such.

Workshop queer-inclusive teaching

A queer-inclusive teaching workshop aimed at improving inclusive teaching in the psychology bachelor program was developed by Anastasija Minina during her internship in Positive Clinical Psychology & Technology. It covers queer-inclusive language (pronouns, vocabulary), development of a queer inclusive curriculum (lectures, reading lists, exams), and resources and platforms available at the UT. While the workshop is (currently) tailored to the Psychology program, much of the information may be applicable to other UT programs as well. Using the workshop slides and the accompanying workshop facilitator guide, interested colleagues are therefore welcome to provide the workshop in their own program. For more information, please contact Th!nk with Pride.

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We are glad to highlight research by queer researchers and on queer topics. This is happening at the UT and beyond, this section will focus on research done at the UT. 


Our students contribute greatly to queer research, through both bachelor and master thesis. Have a look!


Instrument to assess queer minority stress and resilience in everyday life

As presented during the Pride Symposium of 2023, an instrument to assess queer minority stress and resilience in everyday life, by Jan Behrens and Tessa Dekkers.

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About pronouns

Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves and others. For example: Jade is carrying her bag. She is talking to Puck, who is looking at their phone. Beyond he/him and she/her, one can also use pronouns like they/them or combinations like she/they. When someone shares their pronouns, this is how they would like to be addressed, so it's expected to put the effort in to respect that. 

Disclosing your pronouns can be scary, uncomfortable or even unsafe for certain people, especially if the pronouns don't match what people expect. Imagine a non-binary colleague not being able to use their pronouns out of fear for being bullied, discriminated, or "othered" in any other sense. That's why it's good to normalise the use of pronouns and talking about this, so everyone feels safe to disclose theirs.

To normalise pronoun use, you could do the following:

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Name change

Before sharing some resources, we need to highlight the concept of a deadname. When a transgender person takes on a new name, one that fits their identity, their birth name is not used anymore, under any instance. It's dead, hence deadname. Using someone's deadname is insulting, do put effort into avoiding this.

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Human Resources

When it comes to Human Resources (HR) matters, there are two items we want to highlight:

  1. Transition leave. This policy grants employees that undergo a "gender transition" two weeks of paid leave, without the need to report sick. This is stipulated in the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch universities. Refer to Article 4.26 on the Dutch website (bottom of page) or English PDF (page 50) for the exact regulations.
  2. Birth leave for rainbow families. Since November 2023 (see news item), the UT expanded its birth leave to better cover rainbow families. Per the Service Portal: "If you have taken a newborn child into your family or household, but you are not eligible for (additional) birth leave, you may be eligible for equal birth leave. That can be in a family with two fathers or a family where more than two parents take care of the child.
    1. You are eligible for the equal birth leave in the following situations:
      1. the child is admitted to your family or household within 6 weeks of birth;
      2. you relate to the child as a parent;
      3. the person who gave birth to the child is not part of your family or household;
      4. you are not eligible for other legal forms of leave concerning parenthood, such as adoption or foster care leave.
    2. Equal birth leave amounts to a maximum of 6 times the working hours per week and must be taken within 26 weeks from the date on which the child is taken into your family. During the leave, you are entitled to continued full pay and accrue full leave."

Also check out this Dutch handreiking Inclusie van bi+ mensen op het werk

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Accessing healthcare

Here is a list of Dutch Gender Clinics to seek gender-affirming care:

 You can find a list of queer-friendly general practitioners (huisarts) on Roze Hulpverleners.

Here are more gender-affirming care resources:

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Resources for activism

This will be added soon

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Enschede Communities and initiatives

Th!nk with Pride is not the only queer community in Enschede, hereby we would like to highlight some friend associations and places:

  • Trans/non-binary meeting group

    The Trans&Non-binary meeting group provides a safe space for all non-cis staff and students. It doesn’t matter if you’re trans, non-binary, non-conforming, questioning, closeted, queer, any other gender or if you don’t feel like labelling yourself at all; you’re valid and very welcome to join! There are many things our cis-counterparts don’t fully ‘get’. We organize meetings where we talk about all things gender-related, whether it is euphoric, dysphoric or neutral. While heavy topics certainly arise, we also casually talk about how our gender affects our mundane, everyday experiences.

    The trans/non-binary meeting group meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month, at 17:30-19:00 in Saxion (Ko Wierenga), M. H. Tromplaan 28, 7513 AB Enschede, Room F1.42.

    For any and all questions, send us an email. This group is a joint effort of Th!nk with Pride and JS&V Exaltio.

  • J&SV Exaltio

    Exaltio is aiming at young people and students from the entire LGBTQI+ spectrum between 18 and 28 years old. Their main mission is to offer a platform to young people and students in the Twente region. A platform where they can make new friends in a safe and pleasant way within the colourful LGBTQ+ spectrum. Read more here

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Office UT

    A team committed to working together with individuals, teams and professional networks to improve and support a diverse, open, vibrant and safe academic community (not only LGBTQI+ related). Read more here

  • Th!nk with Pride Saxion

    Our lovely colleagues from Saxion also have their own LGBTQ+ platform: Th!nk with Pride Saxion! Check more info and contact details on their website.

  • COC Transgender Café

    Every first Tuesday of the month, the COC Twente-Achterhoek hosts the Transgender Café at Stonewall (Enschede city centre). This is free entry and offers space to change outfit.

    More information can be found on the Dutch website.

  • Gay café Stonewall

    Café Stonewall on the Walstraat in Enschede is the only gay café in town. The pub is named after the riots in the Stonewall-Inn in 1969, which became the beginning of the international pride movement. Because the pub is run entirely by volunteers, there is always a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Read more here

  • Sickhouse

    Sickhouse is a playful art space focused on the impact of digital culture on our society. They are a great queer-friendly place to hang out and meet new people.

  • Tankstation

    Tankstation (not a gas station) is a cultural hub in Enschede, where you can hang out, view live performances, and have great vegan differ. They host open mic nights and game nights as well. Tankstation is very welcoming place for queer and international students.

  • Genderzorg Twente

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Regional Communities and Initiatives

Zooming out to the Twente region, there are two more associations to check out:

  • COC Twente-Achterhoek

    COC Twente and the Achterhoek is part of the national LGBTQI+ interest group COC and is committed to make homosexuality and gender identity socially accepted. Their goal is to contribute to the emancipation of LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people in Twente and the Achterhoek. In doing so, they work together with various organisations in the region. Read more here

  • S.V. Queer

    S.V. Queer is a study association for the LGBTQIA+ community in Deventer. Check their Instagram for activities and registration as a member.

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(inter)national Communities and initiatives

From the great pool of hundreds of other queer communities and initiatives, we would like to highlight three for now:

  • Workplace Pride

    An organisation based in the Netherlands pushing for LGBTIQ+ inclusion in the workplace worldwide. Read more here

  • Transvisie

    Transvisie is a Dutch organisation committed to all people with questions about their gender identity and to their family, loved ones and relevant environment, including information about health providers.

  • Transgender netwerk NL

    Transgender Netwerk is a foundation that is committed nationally to the emancipation of transgender people and their environment

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Do you have suggestions or more questions?
Reach out!