The UT has several documents that state the rights and obligations of students, which you can find in the list below. This list includes the general students' charter of the UT, as well as the programme specific EER (Education and Examination Regulations).
The Education and Examination Regulation (EER) of the faculty EEMCS states the conditions with regard to knowledge, insight and skills for students to obtain a degree, rules regarding education and examinations, and the tasks and competences of the examination boards. One of the tasks of the examination board of EEMCS is to set up Rules and Guidelines (R&G) on how to execute the requirements and powers from the EER. When making a request to the examination board you need both the information in the EER and the R&G.
General regulations regarding the rights and obligations each UT student has (this information is also available in Dutch, if you switch to the Dutch-language website) | |
The Master Guideline Education and Examination Regulations. For each programme, including Robotics, the EER is posted, consisting of a generic part and a programme-specific part. | |
Rules and Guidelines Examination Board EEMCS |
Rules Examinations
At the start of the academic year, for every student a timetable of teaching activities and examinations is available. This timetable shows, among other things, the weeks in which examination are held. Any changes, such as, for instance, the examination dates, will be announced via the Blackboard sites of the courses concerned and through Education announcements. So no new timetables will be distributed among the students if any changes might occur.
For the sake of students’ and teachers’ clarity the starting time of written examinations is identical to the first morning or afternoon lecture respectively. So:
- morning examinations start at 08.45h
- afternoon examinations start at 13.45h
Timetables of examinations are available on
- The student himself is responsible for registering or deregistering for the examinations.
- Twice a year students are given the opportunity to take written and oral examinations belonging to a particular educational unit. Practical training can be completed at least once a year. The rules that apply for practical training will be communicated at the start of the educational unit.
- On the authority of the examination board at least one month before the start of the semester the timetable of examinations of that semester will be announced, in which dates and times of the examinations are fixed.
- The examination board may give permission to deviate from the number of times an examination will be held and the way in which examinations can be taken.
- Rescheduling an examination to a time different from the one indicated in the timetable is only permitted after the examination board’s consent.
Complaints Desk UT
Any student (prospective or former student / external candidate) can lodge a formal complaint, appeal or objection. The Compliants Desk is located at the Student Services on the 2nd floor of the building Vrijhof.