For students with a suitable BSc degree from a Dutch University of Applied Sciences (HBO) a fixed premaster’s programme has been formulated. For students from other bachelor programmes with no direct admission to the Robotics programme, an individual pre-master programme (up to 30 EC) might be setup to compensate for the lacking background knowledge.
Starting date
The premaster’s programme for UAS(HBO)-students is only available in the autumn semester, starting at September 1st.
Pre-master's courses (UAS/HBO bachelor students)
The main learning objective of the programme is to lay a sound theoretical foundation under the practical knowledge that you already obtained during your bachelor’s programme:
- Topics from calculus, linear algebra and probability should bring your understanding of these mathematical subjects to the same level that students with an academic bachelor’s degree have.
- The Linear Systems course introduces the mathematical concepts of signals and systems, the different ways they can be described and how a system transforms an input signal into an output signal. The course prepares for more advance courses in electronics, mechanics, signal processing, system modelling and control. As such it is indispensable for students in the master’s programme.
- The course Engineering System Dynamics will give you an introduction in modelling the behaviour of multidisciplinary (e.g. electromechanical) systems. Courses during the master’s programme will learn you later how to control them.
A second learning objective of the transfer minor is that you make a start learning to carry out scientific research in a systematic way. The course Academic Research Skills contains the following topics:
- How to formulate a research question
- Literature search
- How to formulate a research plan
- Ethical topics (fraud and plagiarism)
- Carrying out research
- Oral and written communication.
The contents of the premaster’s programme is the same for all students regardless of the specialisation they choose later during the Robotics master’s programme. After the start of the master’s programme students still will have to take some advanced bachelor’s courses to acquire specific knowledge for the chosen specialisation. These courses will belong to the master’s programme.
The premaster’s programme is taught during the first semester of the academic year (autumn) and consists of the following courses:
Course code | Course | Study load (EC) |
Q1A |
Calculus A | 5 | |
Linear Algebra | 3 | |
Digital Logic and Computer Organization | 3 | |
Linear Systems | 2 | |
Academic Research Skills | 2 | |
Q1B |
Calculus B | 4 | |
Linear Systems | 4 | |
Engineering System Dynamics*) | 5 | |
Academic Research Skills | 2 | |
| Total | 30 |
*) Part of the Electrical Engineering Bachelor module Systems & Control.
Note that the courses Linear Systems and Academic Research Skills are taught during the whole semester. Linear Systems starts in week 5 of the first quarter.
For the pre-master's programme, the University of Twente assumes that students possess sufficient prior knowledge in mathematics (preferably Wiskunde B on so-called VWO-level) and that they are sufficiently proficient in English (benchmark score in this regard: IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 80). Students are supposed to assess themselves whether their competencies in this respect match with the recommended levels.
Individual Pre-Master programme
As soon as you get admitted to the (pre-) master Robotics programme, you will also receive on overview of your individual pre-master programme. The procedures for this pre-master are the same as for the UAS/HBO pre-master programme.
You subscribe for the pre-master courses yourself via Osiris and as soon as you have successfully completed all your courses, you will be transfered to the master programme.
For bachelor CreaTe students a specific pre-master programme has been composed, which is highly comparable to the HBO/UAS pre-master programme, but instead of the academic skills project an extra course Probability Theory and Statistics is scheduled.
Course code | Course title | Study load (EC) |
Q1A | ||
Calculus A | 5 | |
Linear Algebra | 3 | |
Digital Logic and Computer Organization | 4 | |
Linear Systems | 2 | |
Q1B | ||
Calculus B | 4 | |
Engineering System Dynamics | 5 | |
Probability Theory and Statistics | 3 | |
Linear Systems | 4 | |
Total | 30 |
This pre-master can also be taken as part of your minor space within the bachelore CreaTe. After completing your bachelor CreaTe you can then directly enter the MSc Robotics programme (as long as you also choose the module Smart Technology in module 5).
All master’s and premaster’s courses are taught in English.
The premaster’s programme has been separated formally from the master’s programme. The student will only be admitted to the master’s programme, if all courses of the premaster’s programme have been finished with a sufficient examination result. The full premaster’s programme must have been finished successfully within a year after the start of the programme. If not, the student will be rejected for admission to the master’s programme. Note that you can only start with the master’s programme after you have completed the premaster’s programme and you have been admitted to the master’s programme. This is according to Dutch legislation (“harde knip”).
The master’s programme can be started in the beginning of Quarter 2A (February). However this assumes that all examinations of the premaster’s courses have been passed successfully. If one or more examinations have been failed, a resit will be offered in quarter 2A. This will delay the start of the master’s programme. Once you have completed your pre-master's programme successfully, you will be transferred to the MSc Robotics programme immediately.
Academic Skills project (2nd year)
The Academic-skills Project is for students who did their BSc at a University of Applied Sciences. Its goal is to bring their academic skills to a level required to start the MSc-Thesis project.
The Academic-skills Project is about boosting academic skills to the level required for MSc Robotics, and as such it prepares for the MSc-thesis project and is therefore part of the 2nd year of the MSc Robotics programme.
Students from a University of Applied Sciences have to do this academic skills project (10EC) in the second year of the master programme instead of an internship.
For general information requests please contact our Study Information Desk.
For questions regarding the pre-master's Robotics, please contact the (pre-) master coordinator, Heidi Muijzer-Witteveen.
For questions regarding Academic Research Skills within the pre-master, please contact Jorien Berendsen.