Below you can find a list of publications which are based on finalised SUTQ projects and the SUTQ in general.
From SUTQ projects
Duren, I. C. van, & Groen, T. A. (2020). Appreciations of teaching methods across cultures: Lessons learned from international students. In: J. van der Veen, N. van Hattum-Janssen, H-M. Jarvinen, T. de Laet, & I. Ten Dam (Eds.), SEFI 48th Annual Conference: Engaging Engineering Education, Proceedings (pp. 1257-1263). Societe Europeenne pour la Formation des Ingenieurs (SEFI). Paper Video
Graaf, R. de (2020). Improving Learning Outcomes Of Small Groups Working On An Engineering Design-Assignment During Lectures. In: J. van der Veen, N. van Hattum-Janssen, H-M. Jarvinen, T. de Laet, & I. Ten Dam (Eds.), SEFI 48th Annual Conference: Engaging Engineering Education, Proceedings. (20 Sep 2020 - 24 Sep 2020). Paper
Martinetti, A. (2020). Optimizing Student-driven Learning (SdL) through a Framework Designed for Tailoring Personal Student Paths. Education Sciences, 10(9), 249. MDPI AG. DOI:
Craig, T.S. (2021). Peer curation of Supplemental Materials. Paper to be presented at the Herenga Delta conference, The 13th Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics, 22-25 November 2021, Tamaki Makaurau, Auckland NZ. Forthcoming
Hartmann, A. & Gommer, L. (2021) To play or not to play: on the motivational effects of games in engineering education. European Journal of Engineering Education, 46:3, 319-343, DOI: 10.1080/03043797.2019.1690430
Karahanoglu, A. (2021). Were We Ready to Teach in Times of Societal Crisis? Lessons Learned From a Practice-Based Design Engineering Course. Poster presented at the 49th SEFI Annual Conference, Berlin, 13-16 September 2021. Proceedings to be published. Poster
Karahanoglu, A. (2021). Act like a user, work like a teacher: evaluation of experience design works through peer‑testing. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. Published online 17 November 2021. Available at:
Lindhoud, S. (2023). Hoe peer-learning blended learning kan versterken. SURF communities, vraagbaak online onderwijs. Available at:
Lindhoud, S. (2023). Hoe studenten online leren – onderzoek met learning analytics. SURF communities, vraagbaak online onderwijs. Available at:
Olde Scholtenhuis, L., Vahdatikhaki, F. & Rouwenhorst, C. (2021). Flipped Microlecture Classes: Satisfied Learners and Higher Performance? European Journal of Engineering Education, 46(3), 457-478, DOI: 10.1080/03043797.2020.1819961
Ostermann, F.O. (2021). Peer Assessment to Improve Reproducibility of Computational Project Work. Paper presented at the 49th SEFI Annual Conference, Berlin, 13-16 September 2021. Proceedings to be published. Paper to be published.
Wilhelm, P. (2021). Fostering Quality of Reflection in First-Year Honours Students in a Bachelor Engineering Program Technology, Liberal Arts & Science (ATLAS). Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 21(16).
The SUTQ in general
Veen, J.T., Hahnen-Florijn, M.E., Poortman, C.L., Schildkamp, K. & McKenney, S.E. (2017). Senior University Teaching Qualification via Engineering Education Research and Design. Paper presented at the 45th SEFI Annual Conference, 18-22 September 2017, Azores. Paper
Poortman, C. L. , Rouwenhorst, C. , ten Voorde-ter Braack, M. , & van der Veen, J. T. (2020). The Senior University Teaching Qualification: Engaging in Research, Design and Building Community in Engineering Education. In J. van der Veen, N. van Hattum-Janssen, H-M. Järvinen, T. de Laet, & I. ten Dam (Eds.), Engaging, Engineering, Education: Book of Abstracts, SEFI 48th Annual Conference University of Twente (online), 20-24 September, 2020 (pp. 1053-1063). University of Twente. Paper