Previous SUTQ projects

The SUTQ trajectory is finalised with a webinar where the groups present their results to the UT teaching community. The individual results are put together in a brochure that can be viewed below. There is also a list with all the SUTQ projects conducted up till 2023 with a small summary of the content.


Wietske Bijker - Shared success criteria and effective feedback for successful visits to organisations. International module of the Master’s Spatial Engineering.

This SUTQ research aimed to improve the interaction between the students and the host organisations in the International Module of the Master Spatial Engineering by improving feedback during preparation for the visits. The combination of co-creation of criteria for success, a meta-dialogue on feedback and feedback literacy and a pre-structured feedback form resulted in an increase in the more effective feedback on process- and on self-regulation levelsand increase in the quality of preparation while organisations spontaneously commented that the students asked more and deeper questions than anticipated. The design can be applied to other teaching and learning situations with minor modifications. More information can be found on this poster.

Saskia Lindhoud - Developing blended learning in chemical education

This project is about Blended-learning, the model that is used is flipped classroom. The online study behaviour of students was studied using learning analytics. In the fae-to-face sessions peer-learning activities were introduced with the aim to create a learning community. More information can be found on this poster.

Alieke van Dijk - Co-creating assessment criteria to enhance students’ intrinsic motivation and autonomy

According to their mission, the University of Twente aims to produce students and graduates who take responsibility for and steer their own learning paths through student-driven learning. In this line, this study explored students’ possibilities to engage in the processes of making decisions on what to learn and how to learn, by letting them participate in the formulation of assessment criteria/rubrics as part of their assessments. Two designs were investigated to what extent a design would influence students’ levels of intrinsic motivation and feelings of autonomy in their learning experience.

Cheryl de Boer - Increasing Argumentation Skills for Sustainability in the Master of Spatial Engineering

Janine van Til - Improving argumentation skills of first year students health sciences


Rainer Harms - A diary-based reflection to assist STEM students in gaining clarity on the technology entrepreneurship professional identity aspirations

Reflection is used to support students in gaining clarity about whether they want to become entrepreneurs. The developed format includes reflection exercises based on critical learning moments.

Pascal Wilhelm – Fostering quality of reflection in first-year honours students in a bachelor engineering programme technology, liberal arts & science (ATLAS)

The quality of student reflections in self-evaluation reports was consistently low, and students asked for more support for writing the reflection. A standardized reflection method was introduced, including scaffolding questions, feedback criteria and examples of low and high-quality reflections (ATLAS Reflection Guide).

Mireille Hubers – Developing students’ higher-order thinking skills

In the M-EST course Leadership & Organizational change, students need to write a position paper about a leadership or organizational change hype. Students found this very difficult in the past because the students did not yet have the required higher-order thinking skills. A six-step procedure was designed, including a process model, practice exercises and formative feedback.

Marcus Pereira Pessoa – The use of socially shared learning regulation for teaching engineering project management

A self-regulated, blended, project-based learning model for university students was developed, enhancing student learning achievements in solving the intrinsic ambiguity from open problems in the context of design and development planning and execution.

Tracy Craig – Making knowledge networks visible

A mechanism for students was developed to share good resources using embedded links on a network of course-related concepts. This mechanism supports the development of the class as a learning community and student-driven learning in the form of peer-curation of supplemental materials.

Anna Bos Nehles – Co-created 360-degree peer feedback process

A 360-degree peer feedback process was developed to support the students’ learning process. The process seeks feedback from various perspectives online. Four raters are involved in the three-round holistic feedback process: teachers, peers, self-assessment and business partners. Nearly 80% of the students perceived the co-created 360-degree peer feedback process as beneficial for the learning process.

Klaasjan Visscher – Theatrical technology assessment

Students tend to overly identify with the promoters of new technologies and oversimplify stakeholder dynamics, leading to ineffective or irresponsible perspectives on technology development. This issue is addressed by creating an engaging and effective educational method in which students learn to understand and deal with complex stakeholder dynamics around emerging technologies.

Frank Ostermann – Learning scientific reproducibility through peer assessment

How can we introduce students to the scientific concept of reproducibility, let them learn effectively how to evaluate the reproducibility of a given study, and how to acquire and apply skills to improve the reproducibility of their work. The project showed that formative peer assessment after a short tutorial with background lecture and hands-on exercises is an effective and appreciated way to introduce students to reproducibility challenges and evaluate their work for opportunities to improve it.

Armağan Karahanoğlu – Act like a user, work like an expert

The peer-assessment method is introduced to assess the project in the Design and Meaning course from the Industrial Design Engineering Bachelor’s programme. For the SUTQ, a peer-testing approach assessing the experience design was developed and implemented.

Hil Meijer -- Reinforcing modelling in the applied mathematics curriculum

The orientation phase for a modelling project was too vague for students and not always taken seriously. The project entailed a structured but open-ended first project about a concrete rehabilitation problem related to walking. This scaffolded project gave students clear guidelines and confidence in approaching mathematical modelling. The connection to the learning line modelling became more explicit to students than in previous years.

Richard Loendersloot – Redirecting the learning process of students toward self-directed learning

In our system, students are often driven by external motivators rather than by their own internal motivation. This project investigated how to change the learning behaviour to a more sustainable self-directed learning. Using both end cognitive and knowledge dimension of Bloom’s taxonomy showed to be fruitful for students to adopt their own learning style, improving their engagement and ultimately their learning behaviour. Suitable guidance of student in this process is found to be crucial: self-directed learning is far from an unguided process.


Alberto Martinetti – Optimising student-driven learning (SDL) through framework for tailoring personal student paths

A framework is developed for helping students to deal with possible knowledge gaps and personal interests in order to match the defined learning goals of academic courses, but improving at the same time their engagement with the specific topic.

Tanya Bondarouk – Enhancing intercultural sensitivity of UT Bachelor students

The effect of an international orientation of a study program on the intercultural sensitivity of students (ICS) is investigated.

Brigit Geveling – Team-based learning in a fundamental math course

An educational model is designed for a fundamental mathematics course, founded on the concept of team-based learning.

Roy Damgrave – The impact and dependencies of different stakeholders in the development of a learning environment

Based on an inventory of stakeholders involved in the design of learning environments, an approach and tool are proposed that stimulate collaboration between stakeholders, and facilitates gaining insight in the perspective of the other stakeholders.

Wouter Eggink – Design research in design education

How we can best strengthen the position of design research within the Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) master curriculum?

Frans de Jongh – How to implement student driven learning in the bachelor phase of technical medicine

Student centred methods were used in the bachelor phase of technical medicine to investigate whether students could be challenged to become (more) motivated, using technical facilities, like digital exams.

Iris van Duren – Lessons learned from teaching international students

ITC has a unique international student population. How do these students experience and appreciate the teaching and learning in ITC and how does this compare to their previous educational experience?

Javier Martinez – Design of a computer-supported collaborative learning approach to promote positive interdependence in a group assignment

A (computer-supported) collaborative learning approach was developed that promotes positive interdependence in a group assignment.

Kees Venner – How to solve IT?

A heat transfer course in the 2nd year BSc. Curriculum in Mechanical Engineering was re-designed, involving the reintroduction of systematic problem analysis, active learning, student driven/student centred learning, students as partners, decoding the discipline, and threshold learning concepts.

Anne Leferink – On the integration of soft and academic skill in the modules within the BSc. program of technical medicine

The ‘soft’ and academic skills were integrated in the bachelor program of technical medicine. The curriculum was analysed and it was investigated how these skills can be trained, assessed and monitored such that the development and assessment of other skills and knowledge is not compromised.

Leon Olde Scholtenhuis – Flipped micro-lectures: more enjoyable and higher performing classrooms?

Do modern, IT-enabled, instructional methods ‘outperform’ frontal lectures? The impact of such methods on student performance and their enjoyment was investigated.

Raymond Loohuis – Exploring opportunities for revising enterprise education in the IBA program: a practice driven approach

The opportunities for a revision of enterprise education in the UT’s current International Business Administration (IBA) program were investigated, questioning what the business world would consider as important enterprise skills for students to develop during their study and the implications for the IBA programme.

Robin de Graaf – Improving learning outcomes of small groups working on an assignment during lectures

An intervention protocol is designed that teachers can use to improve collaborative learning outcomes of small groups working on an assignment during lectures.

Suhyb Salama – Entrepreneurship in geospatial education: a bridge towards sustainable development

The characteristics of an entrepreneurship course, optimal for M-GEO programme is investigated. This is related to the creation of industrial innovation, the establishment of a knowledge-based society, and sustainable development in targeted countries.


Harry Aarts – A hybrid test for mathematics

Digital testing of Mathematics at an academic level is investigated. A hybrid test (partially open, partially closed exercises) for one of the Calculus courses is designed for that purpose.

Thomas Groen – Is student-centred teaching always fair?

The opinion of students from different cultural backgrounds towards a student centred learning approach are identified. The hypothesis is that students with a more hierarchical background would have a less favourable opinion towards student centred learning than student from a more individualistic background.

Jan van der Meij – Towards practical and effective video intervision routines

The use of video during peer group review (intervision) of pre-service teachers is investigated. The study offers insight in the course of current, traditional intervision sessions and new video intervision sessions as well as the experiences of the participants.

Mark van der Meijde – Taming the wicked education

How can wicked problems, problems with innumerable causes that are tough to describe and don’t have a right answer, be used in project based education?

Cora Salm – Why students plagiarise?

The reasons for students to commit plagiarism are identified with the aim of improving teaching on this topic. This should lead to graduates that have the knowledge, the skills and the motivation to write proper scientific documents.

Andreas Hartmann – To play or not to play: on the motivational aspects of serious games

The role of different motivational forms in serious gaming and the influence of the game environment on students’ motivation to get involved and stay involved in game playing is investigated.

Carine Doggen – Effect of the flipped classroom in learning clinical research methods

The effects of flipped classroom in teaching clinical research methods to 2nd year students Technical Medicine on learning effectiveness are assessed.