2. Analyze goals and students

Before you proceed with the design and the development, try to answer the following questions:

  • General
    • What are my goals (in general terms)? (e.g. I want to introduce students in the topic and demonstrate an example and allow them to form project teams)
    • What do I want students to be able to do after the course/meeting (in general)? (e.g. At the end of the course/meeting they are able to write an advise for a firm)
    • What knowledge and skills do I expect on entry of the students?
    • What kind of teaching are students used to? (e.g. traditional, activating, self-directed, online, etc.)
    • What motivation, interests, and attitudes do students have towards teaching/learning methods?
    Where to look for information?
  • Specific for online pedagogy
    • Are there students that have difficulties with online learning? Teachers aren’t always aware that for some students with a disability education and especially online education can be less accessible. It is important that teachers think about possible difficulties students may encounter and try to make the education more accessible for these students. The ECAR Study of the Technology Needs of Students with Disabilities, 2020 gives the key findings, an overview, tips and a lot more information on this subject. Students at the University of Twente with an auditory disability have the following remarks concerning online lectures and conferences: the speaking rate is too high, the mouth image of the teacher is often not clearly visible, the articulation is poor, usually inside or looking away and the sound may come in earlier or later than the mouth image moves.
    Quick wins
    • Use a microphone during online conferences and lectures.
    • Make sure course material is available before the meeting in an accessible format. On the website of M&C, you can find some tips on the accessibility of online documents
    • Add subtitles to your videos.
    • The Students Affairs Coaching & Counselling provides supporting software and technology for specific target groups:
      • Dyslexic students and students who have difficulty with concentration: Kurzweil 3000; Balabolka.
      • Students with (temporary) motor disabilities in their hands/arms: Dragon Naturally Speaking.
      • Students with hearing impairment: Phonak mobile telecoil (Zoom link / mylink); AVA.
    Where to look for more information?