We are happy to announce three (3) recently awarded KA107 Erasmus+ projects with Jimma University (Ethiopia), Busitema University (Uganda), and University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). The projects will support mobility and capacity building for the partner universities within the framework of Humanitarian Engineering. Specifically, our partnership will address similar mutual interests of our universities, that is, to develop and embed appropriate technologies to improve the livelihood and quality of life of people of sub-Saharan Africa.
The recently awarded projects are a continuation of the Humanitarian Engineering initiative of the University of Twente. Currently, the EC4HE is partnering with Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) and Moi University (MU-K) within the pillars of improving healthcare through technology, water provision, renewable energy, waste management, and education. Additional, the cooperation aims at intervening in the following areas:
- Improving the management of capital assets, including power generation plants and healthcare equipment through innovative maintenance engineering initiatives.
- Working with communities and institutions of higher learning in Africa to develop appropriate technologies for water provision, sanitation, and clean energy.
Want to know more? Feel free to contact Alberto, Jelle or Peter here!