Submission closed
The Eu-SPRI 2024 conference will be held at the University of Twente in Enschede, the Netherlands, on 5 to 7 June 2024. Papers for the conference will be prepared in a two-step process, with abstract submissions invited in the first step, and papers/posters invited in the second step.
The organising committee now invites submissions of abstracts based on original research engaging with the theme of ‘Governing Technology, Research, and Innovation for Better Worlds’ (more details on this theme can be found here). Submissions related to other topics around science, technology, and innovation policy (broadly defined) are also welcome.
Before finalising and uploading your submission in the conference platform (Aanmelder), please, read the following guidelines.
Or directly go to the CONFERENCE TRACK TOPICS from which you can choose.
Authors are invited to submit an abstract by 7 February 2024, which will then be peer-reviewed. If this is accepted, authors are then required to submit a paper or poster by the 17 May 2024 deadline (whether they are presenting a paper or poster).
Abstract submission process
All submissions will be managed using the Aanmelder conference platform (detailed information follows). A 500-1,000-word abstract that contains specific information (as detailed below) will need to be developed and then filled into the submission form by the author(s), onto the Aanmelder platform. Once in Aanmelder, authors will be able to add information related to their submission, including all author(s) details, selection of the presenting and corresponding author, the preferred format of their presentation, and the selected special session or track that best relates to the submission.
Presentation format
We ask authors to select a presentation mode from two formats:
- paper presentations
- poster presentations.
You will be able to indicate your preferred format within the Aanmelder submission system. The organisers will make every effort to accommodate your preferred format on the programme, however, please note that final confirmation of the format of your presentation is subject to capacity and there is a chance that you will be asked to present in a different format.
Multiple submissions
If you wish to submit several abstracts, each submission will need to be completed separately.
Presenting author
Please note that authors are expected to present no more than one submission at the conference, although an author may make more than one submission as co-author.
Abstract review
Abstracts will be evaluated through a review process by members of the conference’s organising committee as well as the track and session coordinators. The conference organising committee expects that authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by 29 February 2024. The notification will include feedback to the author(s). Please kindly note that the decisions of the conference organising committee are final.
Final submission
Inclusion in the programme of your final paper/extended abstract or poster is subject to:
- uploading a final submission in Aanmelder by 17 May 2024, 23:59 CEST, and
- at least one author registering for the conference by 15 April 2024, 23:59 CEST.
Abstract submissions are now open! To submit your abstract, please, create a free account and submit your abstract by following the abstract submission link.
We will be regularly updating the Eu-SPRI 2024 conference website with further information, so please stay tuned.
When submitting your Abstract or Final PDF submission via the Aanmelder platform, you will be prompted to select or add information that relates to your submission. Please, ensure you complete each step in order for your submission to be completed.
- Abstracts should be submitted via the Aanmelder platform in the input box provided.
- Authors should prepare abstracts of no longer than 500-1,000 words (excluding the title, tables and figures, and references)
- Abstracts should include the following within the PDF document:
- Title of submission
- Title of your preferred special session or track (or if none - choose open track)
- Clear research question
- Conceptual literature
- Methods (if applicable)
- (Expected) results
- Conclusions
- Policy implications (optional)
Please, note that no author information should appear within the abstract for review.
Abstract format
All authors are asked to express a preference regarding the presentation format from these presentation formats:
- Paper presentation
- Fully designed poster presentation (for a poster session)
All authors will be asked to submit an abstract of 500 to 1,000 words for this first stage, irrespective of the presentation format selected.
Conference topic
Authors are invited to submit their abstract to one of the conference tracks (you will find them under ‘Topics’ on the Aanmelder platform).
You may select from two suggested Topic groups:
- Tracks of sessions organised by scholars in the field (Topic Group A), or
- Open Track (Topic Group B) option.
Please choose your preferred track title, which you are required to add on your PDF and on the Aanmelder system, from the following list ‘Conference Track Topics’.
When submitting your abstract in Aanmelder, you will be required to add up to 3 keywords that best describe your submission. Please use a semi-colon (;) to delimit your selected keywords and/or short phrases.
1: Transformative education for sustainability (Zahar Koretsky, Anna Wieczorek, Lotte Roefs)
Keywords: education, sustainability, transformation
2: AI Governance: anticipating the EU AI Act (Irene Niet, Céline Budding)
Keywords: EU AI Act, governance, explainable AI, transparency, risk-based assessment
3: Social innovations for a better world? A critical look at their ambivalences and side effects (Rick Hölsgens, Flor Avelino, Jakob Edler, Jürgen Howaldt, Karina Maldonado-Mariscal, Bonno Pel, Dons Schartinger, Klaus Schuch, Julia Wittmayer)
Keywords: social innovation, ambivalence, directionality, dark sides, diffusion
4: Aligning European Initiatives and Funding Instruments to Tackle Place-Based Societal Challenges Through Regional Innovation Policy (Arnault Morisson, Francesco Cappellano, Manuel Laranja)
Keywords: challenge-driven policies, European funding instruments, research and innovation policies, transformative changes, regional transformation, societal challenges
5: Re-novation – reimagining regional innovation policy (for better worlds) (Marlise Schneider, Cindy Rentrop, Nadine Osbild, Joakim Juhl, Sebastian Pfotenhauer)
Keywords: innovation policy, regional innovation, regional innovation cultures
6: The Present and Future Organization and Governance of European Research Infrastructures (Benedetto Lepori, Katharina Cramer, Simcha Jong)
Keywords: research infrastructures, research policy, science policy, big science, European Union
7: Inclusion as an STI policy objective for better worlds (Helka Kalliomäki, Johanna Kalliokoski, Kaisa Lähteenmäki-Smith, Essi Laitinen)
Keywords: inclusion, STI policy
8: From ‘infrastructure as lock-in’ to ‘infrastructure as enabler’ for better worlds (Beau Warbroek, Tom Coenen, Sean Vrielink, Angie Ruiz Robles, Joanne Vinke-de Kruijf, Baran Ulak)
Keywords: infrastructure, governance, lock-in, values, transitions
9: A new era for STI policy? De-coupling, technological sovereignty and international research collaboration (Andrew James, Kieron Flanagan, Jakob Edler, Dr Henning Kroll)
Keywords: STI policy, Decoupling, Technological sovereignty, International research collaboration
10: The practitioners’ perspective on designing and governing innovation policy in a more complex and changing world (Carsten Dreher, Carsten Schwäbe, Matthias Weber, Kieron Flanagan)
Keywords: instrument selection and design, governance of innovation policy, policy learning, agility, innovation policy system, policy practioners
11: Standardisation and regulation for governing research, technology, and innovation for better worlds (Knut Blind, Jaime Bonnin Roca, Astor Nummelin Carlberg, Jussi Heikkilä, Jarno Hoekman, Kai Jakobs, Paul Moritz Wiegmann)
Keywords: standardisation, regulation, innovation, research
12: Security in digital worlds: perceptions, practices, and policies (Oishee Kundu, Joanna Syrda, Adam Joinson)
Keywords: digital futures, cybersecurity, AI, technology adoption, comparative studies
13: The reemergence of industrial policy amidst climate change and geopolitics (Nicholas Martin, Jakob Edler, Karoline Rogge)
Keywords: industrial policy, transition, innovation policy, decarbonisation, policy analysis
14: Intersectionality and inclusion and exclusion in/by STI policies: Experiences from the Global South (Heman Kumar, Swapnil Shukla)
Keywords: intersectionality, indicators, science, technology and innovation policy, Global South
15: Innovation policy in post-growth economies? (Riina Bhatia, Nina Rilla, Mika Nieminen, Matti Pihlajamaa, Peter Biegelbauer, Klaus Kubeczko, Petra Wagner)
Keywords: post-growth, innovation policy, sustainability, new value creation
16: Power in transdisciplinary collaboration (Laurens Hessels, Julia Wittmayer, Tessa de Geus, Esther Baar)
Keywords: transdisciplinarity, collaboration, co-creation, participation, representation
18: Anticipatory practices at the intersections of innovation, policy and society (Kornelia Konrad, Andreas Lösch, Sergio Urueña López)
Keywords: anticipatory practices, governance, innovation, futures
19: Positioning renewable energy systems as building blocks of a better world (Martin Stienstra, Amanda Elam, Ewert Aukes, Joy Clancy)
Keywords: energy transition, gender, intersectionality, trans-disciplinary research approaches
20: New and alternative forms of entrepreneurship and innovation as catalysts of “better worlds” (Michel Ehrenhard, Barbara Kump, Svenja Damberg, Max Goethner)
Keywords: entrepreneurship and innovation, new and alternative organisational forms, business model innovation, systemic innovation, incubators
21: Transformative Diffusion Policies: Strategic intelligence and new policy spaces for anticipating and accelerating scaling (Douglas K.R. Robinson, Susan Borrás, Wouter P.C. Boon)
Keywords: transformative Diffusion Policy, transformative Innovation Policy, Strategic Intelligence, Cross-policy coordination, reimagining scaling and diffusion
22: STI policies for just and reparative futures: Advancing towards better worlds (Miriam Acebillo-Baqué, Diana Velasco, Alejandra Boni, Bipashyee Ghosh)
Keywords: just and reparative futures, just transition, science, technology and innovation (STI) policy, reparation, justice
23: Crises and transformation: towards better worlds? (Le Anh Long, Shawn Donnelly, Stefan Telle, Su Yun Woo, Caroline Fischer, Florence Metz, Igor Pessoa, Sikke Jansma, Maryam Haeri)
Keywords: crises, democracy, emerging technology, governance, climate change
24: Ideation, discourses, and the design and framing of mission-oriented innovation policies (Liu Shi, Daimer Stephanie, Jakob Edler, Karoline Rogge, Linda Widdel, Florian Kern, Matthew Lockwood)
Keywords: mission-oriented innovation policies, ideas, discourses, policy design and framing, transformative change
25: Driving sustainability transformation through transformative research: new avenues for knowledge and action (Gudrun Haindlmaier, Matthias Weber, Petra Wagner, Stephanie Daimer, Valerie Voggenreiter, Felix Beyers)
Keywords: transformative research, inclusion & exclusion of knowledge, transdicisplinarity, legitimacy, policy-practice-dialogue
26: Relational bonds enabling cooperative inter-organisational relations for missions: a process view (Jorge Martins, Kirsi Hyytinen, Kaisa Lähteenmäki-Smith, Henri Wiman)
Keywords: mission-oriented innovation, inter-organisational collaboration, relational bonds, participatory architectures
27: Beyond inclusive, green, and egalitarian: The conflictuality of innovation policy (Jakob Kofler, Lukas Fuchs, Andrew Stirling)
Keywords: directionality, conflict, values, innovation policy, transition pathways
28: Responsible Futures – Theory and Practice (Effie Amanatidou, Hugues W.B. de Pingon, Jessica Bland, Judit Gáspár, Kathleen Randerson, Ted Fuller)
Keywords: responsible futures, pluralism, inclusivity, ethics, participatory foresight, futures, anticipation
29: Navigating Diversity, Justice, and Equity: Normative Orientations and Innovative Solutions in the Energy Transition (Anne Kantel, Elisabeth Dütschke, Joy Clancy, Philipp Schepelmann)
Keywords: energy transition, worldviews, social cleavages, interdisciplinarity, diversity, justice, equity, policy, technology, social innovation
30: Transformative change and systems innovation – Dialogue between behavioural and innovation sciences (Carlos Mantalvo, Jeremy K. Hall, Jordi Mollas-Gallart, Holger Strassheim, Carolina Resende-Haddad)
Keywords: innovation policy, transformative change, behavioural additionality, systemic interactions, value driven policy
31: Designing for more desirable futures: addressing the need for system innovation (Amber Geurts, Angela Greco, Harry van der Weijde)
Keywords: new generation of innovation policy, transformative change, system thinking, system innovation
32: Embedding Foresight in next-generation transformative innovation policies (Matthias Weber, Dana Wasserbacher, Attila Havas, Kerstin Cuhls, Philine Warnke, Totti Könnölä, Kirsi Hyytinen, Elvira Uyarra)
Keywords: foresight, transformative innovation policy, governance, methods, embedding
33: Digitalization and AI as Ideology? The collective imaginary of digital technologies (Frank Marcinkowski, Fabian Anicker, Golo Flasshoff)
Keywords: AI, ideology, collective imaginary, neoliberalism, solutionism
34: Policy Frameworks for the Social Appropriation of Technology and Innovation (Tiago Brandão, Carolina Bagattolli, Rafael de Brito Dias, Noela Invernizzi)
Keywords: social technology, social innovation, inclusive innovation, grassroots innovation, frugal innovation, mundane technology, common innovation
35: Public and private organizations as change agents in transformations (Jakob Edler, Stefan Kuhlmann, Florian Helfrich)
Keywords: Corporate actors, system transformation, transition studies, meta-governance, organizational change, change agents, responsible research and innovation
36: Rethinking science and tech entrepreneurship and innovation as catalysts in the transition towards planetary health (Marie Louse Blankesteijn, Kees Boersma, Marjolein Hoogstraaten)
Keywords: entrepreneurship, innovative business models, organization of knowledge infrastructures, planetary health
37: Transformative Innovation Policy for a Better World (Bianca Cavicchi, Cesar Dro, Julien Ravet)
Keywords: Transformative Innovation Policy; Policy Design, Evaluation and Monitoring, Implementation; Better World; Sustainability
38: Between Coordination and Consensus: Discussing a New Role for University Leaders in Addressing Societal Challenges (Mabel Sanchez Barrioluengo, Hendrik Berghäuser, Knut Blind, Susana Borras, Cecilia Garcia Chavez, Henning Kroll, Debananda Misra, Rhiannon Pugh, Torben Schubert, Sylvia Schwaag-Serger)
Keywords: strategy, university, challenges, leadership, coordination
Under the ‘Open Track’, we invite submissions from a wider thematic sphere that do not fall under any of the Topics suggested by the thematic tracks listed above A. The organisers will create ad-hoc thematic tracks for accepted submissions in the Open Track.