BALANS - Renewable Heat And Power From Non-woody Biomass

project information

Full title:

Renewable Heat And Power From Non-Woody Biomass

(Biogrondstoffen van niet-houtige oorsprong als ALternatief voor houtige biomassa in bio-energie ANndijk voor de opwekking van duurzame warmte en Stroom)








HoSt, HVC, Bio-energie Andijk (all NL)

project description


The application of woody biomass for power and heat generation may not always be justified or economical feasible, also because the biomass could be use as a feedstock for production of high-end products. Instead, for regular power and heat production, a biomass of non-woody origin or sewage sludge could be used. However, combustion of such fuels brings a major challenges related to their complex and varied composition, water content and seasonal availability. In this project, these challenges are addressed by means of full scale operation of bio-energy station. The reduce the uncertainty regarding the combustion process, numerical models able to mimic the fuel complexity will be employed to study the non-woody biomass on a grate.

involved in the project

EngD Vacancy