UT Support

Selection research area’s 

For the Engineering part of the Sector Plan Beta and Engineering (2020-2024), 20 million per year has been made available to invest in fundamental research, in staff and infrastructure. The focus is on Constructive engineering, more specifically in the area of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.  

The selection of specific research areas in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering at the UT is in line with the strategy and mission of the University as put forward in its strategy document Shaping 2030, “Empowering society through sustainable solutions”. Criteria for focus area selection were the importance for future scientific and societal challenges and the chances for internationally excellent research. Opportunities for co-operation were also important. 

Boost fundamental research

With an additional matching of 30% from UT or other funds the 4.5 M euro a year of sectorplan funding awarded to the University of Twente was used to boost fundamental research in areas with high societal impact. 

The increase in research capacity contributes towards greater gender and age diversity in the university’s academic workforce. In addition, it will encourage more co-operation between faculties. The impact this increase in staff has on staff student ratio’s will also benefit the educational programmes connected with the selected fields. 

Fields of investment at the University of Twente

Click on the links below to see the positions and research that is funded by the Sector Plan Engineering funding:

  • Civil Engineering
     o   Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineering Constructions
     o   Mechanics of Civil Engineering constructions
     o   Soil Mechanics

  • Electrical Engineering
     o   Communication and signal processing
     o   Electric components, circuits and systems
     o   Electric Energy conversion

  • Mechanical Engineering
     o   Thermo fluids engineering
     o   Mechanical & Materials Engineering
     o   Systems and Control Engineering