In the coming autumn, the cooling building near Kleinhorst will be renovated and expanded. These adjustments will last until about spring 2024. The expansion will allow the installation of larger chillers, increasing the generation capacity of the cold cycle. This is necessary because of the expansions of facilities and users on campus, such as recently the commissioning of Langezijds building by ITC faculty. Together with the Technohal and the Citadel, Langezijds is now also connected to the cold circle and thus the demand for cooling has increased.
The images show how the construction site will be set up and what the cooling building will look like after completion.
The work will be carried out by Goossen te Pas Bouw and Engberink Installatietechniek. During work on the cooling building, the cycle path along the Knepse will be temporarily out of use. In addition, some inconvenience may be experienced as the underground infrastructure will be modified in the autumn. The effects of this will follow in a further notice later.