UTFaculteitenETFaculty Council

Faculty Council Engineering Technology

The Faculty Council of Engineering Technology represents its students and employees. We advise the management team of the faculty on various topics including research, education, wellbeing, housing, and finance. As a council, we collaborate closely with the Faculty Board, which whom we meet on a regular basis, as well as with other participatory bodies within our University. Our main objective is to protect the interests of staff and students of our faculty.

In the case of questions or remarks for the Faculty Council, you can reach us via fc-et@utwente.nl

If you have any ideas or feedback to improve our facluty feel free to send them in via our idea box: 

Share feedback or ideas


The council consists of five employees and five student members. We represent the full faculty, and our employee and student members cover the different departments and educational programs of Engineering Technology. Feel free to contact one of the members in case you would like to ask a question or discuss something.

From left to right; Wieteke de Kogel-Polak, Veerle Schenkelaars, Irma van Droste, Alexandra Tark, Kirsten Pronk, Floris-Luc Witjes, Elham Shirazi, Bernd Boerma, Hanneke Reuvekamp, Laura Portos-Amil. 

Staff members




Other Staff members:

Student members