InterGration of Quality Assurance System ET and Quality Agreements 2019-2024
The Quality Assurance System of Engineering Technology is an annual PCDA-cycle:
PLAN | July – Sept: | Combining collected data on quality of education of past academic year (course evaluations by students, outcome of discussions in Programme committees, course evaluations by module teams / teachers, NSE, ISB, NAE, evaluations by Examination Board) |
July – Sept: | Defining concrete actions in framework of quality agreements and determining required investments, to be included in budget plans of faculty (education management) | |
Sept: | Approval of quality agreement plans for next year by Faculty council | |
Oct-Dec: | Drawing up programme improvement plans based on the data above and taking into account input from quality agreements (Programme Directors) | |
DO | Jan-March: | Discussion with programme Committee (and Examination Board; if applicable) on programme improvement plans (programme Directors) |
CHECK | March-July: | Meeting with representatieves of all Programme Committees, Faculty Council and study associations to reflect on plans for current year, and discuss ideas for next year (Vice-dean Education) |
April: | The Action Plans will be discussed in spring meeting (University level) | |
ACT | March-July: | Preparing implementation of programme improvement plans for next academic year (programme management) |