All bachelor’s and master’s degree-programmes at the University of Twente are accredited by NVAO, the national accreditation organisation. They commission a review of the programmes by a committee of (international) experts and students once every six years.
The NVAO also conducts institutional audits of universities in the Netherlands every six years, to assess their internal system of quality assurance and management. University of Twente has successfully passed the audit in 2020. Programs offered by institutions that have obtained the institutional test (ITK), can be assessed according to the limited framework.
The accreditation of a programme consists of a critical self-reflection report and a site visit by an external panel. As a result, the panel conducts a so-called development dialogue in which possible improvements are discussed from a development perspective. These improvements for further development must be made public by the institutional board.
- Civil Engineering - Publication outcomes development dialogue
- Industrial Design Engineering - Publication outcomes development dialogue
- Mechanical Engineering - Publication outcomes development dialogue
- Sustainable Energy Technology - Publication outcomes development dialogue
The complete report and more information about the accreditation procedure and the register of accredited programmes can be found on the NVAO website.