

If you are interested to know how the staff-list on our site works, and/or want to use it yourself, you can read this information.

The script uses the Peoplepages-API to fetch a list of people from peoplepages. It can grab a full department, or a selection of it (see example for this research-group), and can also filter selections in various ways (eg. to not show PhD students, or show only PhD students).

  1. To use the script, create a rtd-document first (New Empty file, Rich text document) (it is also possible to use it in an HTML document, in that case you can skip the next step).
  2. Insert an RAW HTML code object into the document (click on the icon {..} )
  3. Insert the code below into the object: 

<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script id="peoplescript" src=""></script> <link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/> <link href="" media="screen" rel="stylesheet"/> <script> organizationSel="ET-BW"; phdfilter=false; </script>

On the last lines starting with <script> you can change some variables. For instance, to select people from one or more organizations, you can use organizationSel. In the example above, people from ET-BW will be shown and the phd-filter will not be used (see result here).
You may use a comma-separated list at organizationSel to select multiple organizations. For example, a selection for MS3 could look like:


(see result here, this is a rather large selection, so phdfilter=true was set also).


With the people icon to switch view icon, you can switch to a 'Book of faces' view. To make this the default view, set listView to false:

var listView = false;


Selecting all people from a chair works like this:


It is also possible to select people by their jobtitle, with the variable jobtitleSel:

var jobtitleSel = "visitor,guest";

This makes it possible to for instance create a seperate page for visitors and guests, like we have on the DPM staff page.

The example below uses an other selection, which can be used to select a limited set of people from an organisation. In this example only one person is selected: (me).


This selection can also contain multiple persons, using a comma as a separator:



To replace the URL of a person with another value, the array altURLs can be used. For instance if I would like the script not to link to my people pages profile, but to my personal website, I could add somything like:

var altURLs = { "": "", "": "" };

The script has more possibilities which are not documented yet, like changing how things are displayed (using a different template).


Selections containing a '-' sometimes do not work. Try to avoid them if possible. So for example instead of using 'Vollenbroek-Hutten' use 'm.m.r.hutten'.


Why am I not displayed on the list/why are certain employees not listed?
We have decided not to list guests and visitors on these pages. So if you have the word 'guest' or 'visitor' in your jobtitle, you will not be listed. If you remove the word 'guest' or 'visitor' from your jobtitle, you will be listed. You can edit your profile here. The owner of the site can also make a separate page for guests and visitors, see the settings above.


Contact me for more information. My details are:

ing. F. van Slooten (Fjodor)