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Stakeholder engagement to enhance risk communication by Sergio Alvardo Vazquez

The CME Cluster contributes to three research projects (Stability, LiveQuay and UBQ4) in the NWA Urban Bridges and Quay Wall Programme (Urbiquay). The programme is set up by the NWO (Dutch Research Council) and the Municipality of Amsterdam in collaboration with other stakeholders. It focuses on sustainable, innovative solutions relating to the management, repair and upgrading of inner-city bridges and quay walls in the Municipality of Amsterdam and, at the same time, contributing to the transferability of that knowledge to other cities or areas of application.

Monitoring plays a vital role in keeping track of the condition of bridges and quay walls. Recent research has shown that stakeholder participation in monitoring can add value, particularly in informing and consulting stakeholders about monitoring activities and their results. However, how to best engage stakeholders remains unclear also considering the unknown effects that monitoring activities and risk communication may have on the risk perception of stakeholders.  

To address this, Sergio Alvarado Vazquez recently started a two-year research project on the perception and communication of risks. The study aims to understand the risk perception of citizens and other stakeholders around bridges and quay walls and to determine appropriate ways of communicating risks as part of ongoing monitoring activities. Sergio introduces his research in the video below.

Researchers involved: Sergio Alvarado Vazquez (Postdoc researcher), Andreas Hartmann & Joanne Vinke-de Kruijf (Associate Professors)