Symbiotic man-machine interactions in wearable exoskeletons to enhance mobility for paraplegics
People involved in SYMBITRON:
- Prof. dr. ir. Herman van der Kooij (Project Coördinator)
- Heidi Witteveen MSc (Project Manager / Postdoctoral researcher)
- Dr. Edwin van Asseldonk (Work Package leader)
- Dr. ir. Gijs van Oort (Postdoctoral researcher)
- Amber Emmens MSc (PhD student)
- Victor Sluiter (Technician)
The main goals of the Symbitron project are:
- To develop a safe, bio-inspired, personalized wearable exoskeleton that can complement for SCI-related gait impairments and allows SCI patients to walk without additional assistance
- To develop training environment and training protocols for SCI patients and their clinicians
- To provide clinical proof of concept for safety and functionality of the system
The main contribution of the UT will be the use of human-in-the-loop simulations for optimization and training of symbiotic human-machine interaction and perform feasibility and optimization studies for the different wearable exoskeleton designs and controllers.
Furthermore, the UT is responsible for the coordination of this FP7 EU project.
Project Partners
The following partners are involved in the Symbitron project:
- Technical University Delft, the Netherlands
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
- Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, UK
- Santa Lucia Foundation, Italy
- Össur, Iceland
The Symbitron project is funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program under grant agreement no. 611626