If you are a researcher in search of more funding acquisition expertise, looking for your first grant or for a more competitive edge to your efforts: the Research Funding Weeks programme was made for you.
Join us from 21 to 30 May for focused and interactive sessions, built from the perspective of the pains often felt when getting started with research funding.
During the research funding week (21-30 May), EEMCS will organise two separate sessions in which an experienced researcher will tell you about their tips & tricks concerning the writing of grant proposals.
Friday, 24 May, 13:00-14:00, Carre 1333
Prof. Dr. Marielle Stoelinga (EEMCS-FMT) – Workshop: Tips & tricks on Grant Writing
This workshop will be given by Prof.dr Marielle Stoelinga (EEMCS), who was awarded several important grants (ERC, NWA).
In this workshop, I will give a short presentation (around 15 minutes) with trips & tricks followed by a workshop where you can pitch your idea and get feedback.
Tuesday, 28 May, 13:00-14:00, Zilverling 2126
Prof. Dr. Maria Vlasiou (EEMCS-MOR) – Finding Joy in Grant Writing: Turning Setbacks into Stepping Stones
In this presentation, I will walk you through my experience with grant writing: my “failures” and “successes”, things I’ve learnt about the process of writing, things I’ve learnt about the art of contents, and more importantly, things I’ve learnt about myself.
Please, register for either of the sessions by sending an e-mail to Petri de Willigen (p.dewilligen@utwente.nl).
The full programme of the research funding weeks can be found here: https://www.utwente.nl/en/intranet/sbd/research-funding-weeks/programme/