Interaction LabNewsUs in a Technological World

Us in a Technological World The Interaction Lab Insider - February 2024

Full Body Motion Capture

Have you ever wondered how real-life actions and movements are mimicked in games, animated movies or even in robotics? The Interaction Lab has got its hands on one such technology - The Xsens Full Body MoCap Suit.  This is an accurate motion capture equipment that can precisely track movements, allowing users to capture and analyze human motion in various applications, including animation, biomechanics, sports science, and virtual reality. It is also typically compatible with many animation and analysis software, which helps in the seamless transfer of information. The technology is user-friendly and its ease of use makes it perfect for research.

The suit is now available in our booking system and can be used by students and researchers. From sports performance to virtual production, you can use the Xsens MVN Link to develop your project!

This Month’s Events

Science Soup - Interactive Table: A lunch talk by Juliet Haarman about the future of tables. No sign-up is required for this event.

  • 📅 Date: February 8th
  • ⏰ Time: Lunch break
  • 🏢 Location: Design Lab

Workshop - Blender 101: A workshop on 3D modelling.

  • 📅 Date: February 8th
  • ⏰ Time: 19:30 - 21:30
  • 🏢 Location: Tower Room (T200), Citadel

Workshop - Bio-Sensing Wearables 101: A workshop on the sense-it kit, which consists of a smartwatch, a phone, and a software platform. During this workshop, you will develop applications that can sense physiological arousal and act upon this sensing.

  • 📅 Date: February 27th
  • ⏰ Time: 19:30 - 21:30
  • 🏢 Location: Tower Room (T200), Citadel

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