The EuroNanoLab distributed research infrastructure is pleased to invite you to the EuroNanoLab Experts School: Dry Etching, taking place from the 9th of April to the 12th of April, 2024, hosted by the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology in the U Parkhotel at the campus of the University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands. The exact location can be found on our campus map.
The Dry Etch Experts School represents the next step in the evolution of the EuroNanoLab consortium for strengthening the four main pillars on which it was built:
- Enhance excellence by building superior processing competence;
- Accelerate research by process exchange and single-access point to micro- and nanofabrication research infrastructure and expertise;
- Share competencies by defining European standards in cleanroom procedures;
- Strengthening the cooperation by building an alliance between scientists and micro- and nanofabrication experts.
The lectures will be given by internationally recognized academic and industrial experts in the field. The primary objective is to educate and train process engineers on various aspects of dry etching, encompassing fundamental principles, process simulation/modelling, plasma sources, and diverse applications.
The Dry Etch Experts School provides a platform for experts in dry etching technologies to meet and share ideas, recent achievements and challenges, and discover new advances in equipment hardware and processing technologies related to plasma etching.