Veni Info session open for registration.

Thinking of applying for a Veni? This competitive individual grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) is the first in the Talent Line series: Veni, Vidi, Vici.

It is designed for young researchers to establish their own individual research line. It will open again in 2024, with the first submission deadline in September 2024. The SBD-Grants Office is hosting an info-session to help you comprehend what a Veni application would entail. In this session, participants will receive strategic and practical input for developing a competitive Veni project and highlights the Veni pre-proposal. Examples, tips & tricks, and best practices will be presented. The main features of the Veni grant include:

  • Individual grant to start your own research line;
  • For talented researchers with an innovative research idea and a competitive CV;
  • Who have finished their PhD (max. 3 years on 1 January 2024, extensions may apply);
  • Requires an ‘embedding guarantee’ of your faculty. 

The info session will be held on two occasions: April 29th and May 2nd. One session will be on campus, and the other session will be hosted online. You can choose the session most convenient for you, as the content will be the same. You can register on the CTD page: Course finder CTD: UT courses for employees | University of Twente ( The session is open for all interested individuals, whether you plan to apply this round or not. Information on how to build a competitive CV will also be provided. 

This initial session can be followed up in masterclass sessions for those committed to submit in 2024. More details on that will be given during the info-session. If you wish to pursue a Veni grant but are not able to attend the introduction session, please inform SBD-Grants Office to be included in communication on the Veni support programme.