Educational innovations at EEMCS in 2024 Start of the Innovate & Share-it project

The outcomes of the 'Blend-it & Share it' call (2023) were unveiled at a poster market last December. Subsequently, a second call, 'Innovate & Share-it,' was launched in the EEMCS department last summer, seeking inspired proposals from teachers aligned with the UT vision on Learning and Teaching (2024).

Following the call, we’ve received multiple diverse, extensive proposals from EEMCS teachers and teams of teachers to work on innovating their courses. We are happy to share that we’ve been able to grant funds to 15 projects that will start at varying points in 2024. These projects range from the impact of ChatGTP and CoPilot, applying blended learning activities in a project-based master course for students with different backgrounds, the use of peer and self-assessment to evaluate the performance of members of a project group and the design and implementation of automatically created individual exercises at different levels.

The approved projects are as follows:


Project members

Embedded Signal Processing

Aakash Arora,
Chris Zeinstra
Mark Oude Alink

Hands-on AI

Angelika Mader

Student driven, student driving: Random Exercise and Answer Creater to Help REACHing HOCS (REACH REACH HOCS)

Anne-Johan Annema

CARAMEL. Continuous leARning And MixEd cLassrooms: Enhancing student learning by incorporating challenges and insights from professional learners in the eHealth Technology course

Annemieke Witteveen
Marloes Makkink
Anouk Middelweerd

Signal processing

Chris Zeinstra
Aakash Arora

TA and teachers: how do they impact each other?

Faiza Bukhsh

Cultivating Innovation: Pioneering a cutting-edge master course in Medical Robotics

Giulio Dagnino
Momen Abayazid

Coding for Engineers of the Future 

Hil Meijer
Len Spek

Robotics Assignments

Jan Broenink

Pervasive Computing for Societal Impact: Driving personal development by merging academia and entrepreneurship

Jeroen Klein Brinke

Tiny Maching Learning (TinyML) using tangible methods

Marcus Gerhold
Jannick Siderius
Marcello A. Gómez-Maureira

Student assessment in Problem Based Learning courses

Michel de Jong
Wesley van den Beld
Jeroen Vollenbroek

Activating experimental design knowledge with self-guided critical thought and hands-on learning

Sergii Pud
Joshua Loessberg-Zahl

Surviving Math 

Sonja Otten
Karsten Kruse

Frankenstein: Apply blended learning approach in a project-based master course for multi-background students

Ying Wang
Hans Zwart
Peter Veltink

Each of the projects has been connected to one of the educational specialists or educational specialists that we have at EEMCS for support as well. At the end of this year, we hope to bring you more news about how these projects are running and how their results change the education they are implemented.

If you want to explore how to innovate your education as well, feel free to reach out to our educational team. Whether you have a very concrete idea or want to explore some possibilities, feel free to reach out to Our educational consultants and e-learning specialists are happy to support you.