UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsDepartment of Applied MathematicsOptional Model for Employment Conditions and fiscal exchange of commuting expenses

Optional Model for Employment Conditions and fiscal exchange of commuting expenses Make your choice before 10 November regarding early end-of-year bonus!

We would like to remind you that the end-of-year bonus from the year 2024 will be paid in November and no longer, as you were used to, in December. In addition, the payment of the end-of-year bonus will be over a period of 11 months, namely from January 2024 to November 2024. The month of December 2024 will be included in the end-of-year bonus of next year.

So if you want to use the end-of-year bonus as a source in the Optional Model for Employment Conditions or if you want to use the fiscal exchange of commuting expenses of €0.13 per km, please take this into account. Make sure that your choice is recorded in MyHR before 10 November.

The Optional Model is still open until 9 December, however after 10 November you can only use 'salary' and 'holiday hours' as a source. After 9 December the setup for the choice year 2025 will be prepared and the Optional Model will be closed until the end of the year.

Record your choices via:

  • MyHR => my file => my optional model
  • MyHR => my file => my salary & benefits => travel expenses and home working (step 3).

You can find more information in the Optional Model for Employment Conditions Brochure and on the service portal on the page about commuting expenses.