With the normalisation of the corona virus, the government has adopted the advice of the Outbreak Management Team (OMT) and the Social Impact Team (MIT) to scale down the remaining measures. This is possible because the coronavirus is now seen as 'one of many viruses'. This means that all remaining measures will be dropped including the basic advice:
- stay at home in case of symptoms and do a self-test,
- go into isolation in case of a positive test.
The general advice 'Stay home if you are ill' does remain in force.
For UT, this means that all remaining measures, such as disinfection columns, signs (max 1 person in the lift, smiley faces etc.) in the buildings will be removed. Self-tests will no longer be ordered, but should you still like to use self-tests, you can pick them up -while stocks last- at the service desks.
It is remains important to watch your own health and that of your fellow colleagues and students. We value the general advice to stay at home when you are ill.
More information on utwente.nl/corona and if you have any questions please let us know via info@utwente.nl.