Annual report 2023 published

The Executive Board of the University of Twente has adopted the Annual Report 2023. The annual report provides accountability for policies and finances over the past year.

The year 2023 in numbers
  • Number of enrolled students: 12,147
  • Share of international students: 35 per cent
  • Number of scientific articles published: 2,570
  • Diplomas granted: 1,526 bachelor, 1,592 master
  • Number of PhD degrees granted: 208
  • Number of EngD degrees granted: 22
  • Number of employees: 4,136
  • Number of spin-off companies from scientific research: 5
  • Knowledge transfer deals: 10
  • Annual turnover: 481.5 million euro
  • Financial result: 10.8 million euro negative


In the course of 2023, the picture of the financial challenges we face as a university in the coming years became ever sharper. We are in a period when the world around us is constantly moving: the complexity of issues is increasing and we have to deal with constant uncertainty. In the past year, we have taken the first important steps towards an agile and financially healthy organisation that is ready to face those challenges successfully: mostly challenges that also have a financial dimension.


In 2023, we set three priorities for the coming years: maintaining student intake, future-proofing our education and increasing income from second and third flow funding, while keeping a sharp eye on finances to adjust where necessary. Making choices is based on how we envision our future, how we add the most value to society.


A robust and agile organisation is needed to continue making our social contribution vigorously in the coming years. When, in the course of 2023, the financial tasks for the future became increasingly clear, we made a joint decision to make timely adjustments. We realise that this is a process that is not always pleasant, but one that is necessary to face the future with confidence.

We are a university full of creative and enterprising minds, eager to discover new things and tackle new challenges. We are convinced that if we harness that energy and expertise to innovate and learn to make our own organisation stronger, we can continue to successfully pursue our societal mission and make more impact every day.

You can read the entire annual report in the digital tool. The document is in Dutch, but has an English summary.

L.P.W. van der Velde MSc (Laurens)
Spokesperson Executive Board (EB)
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