Make your voice count! Student elections University Council 12 - 16 June

As you already may have noticed, there will be student elections for the students of the University Council (UC) from Monday 12 June (9.00) up to Friday 16 June 2023 (12.00) By voting, you choose who represents your interests in the University Council. Make your voice count!

University Council

The UC is the central representative body of the UT. The council has the right of approval and gives advice on important decisions of the Executive Board. It can also present questions, ideas and proposals directly to the Executive Board.


On Monday 12 June 2023 you will receive an e-mail with a link to cast your vote. From 12 June up to 16 June you can also vote via the news item on the student portal.


The compilation list gives an overview of the students who have put themselves forward as candidates. Watch the video if you want more information about the candidates and their programmes. Go to the websites of UReka or DAS for more information.  

Invitation for debate on 12 May

A debate will be organised between the group chairs of UReka or DAS on Monday 12 June, 12.45 to 13.30 at the O&O square. Feel welcome and join us!


If you have any questions or comments, please send them to the electoral committee.

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