The Closing of the Academic Year in pictures

Exactly one week ago, accurate to the day, we closed the academic year together in a festive way. While enjoying a snack and drink, we looked back on a academic year unlike any other. Nearly five hundred students and employees attended the event either online or in person.

The festivities on location were all about being together, enjoying each other’s company at an appropriate distance and raising the glass. Participation could be acquired by showing interest in joining individually and by being nominated by fellow colleagues or students. Some of these nominations were ‘put on tape’ and broadcasted during the event.

The people who attended the event online were given the opportunity to partially create their own programme. Some chose to watch the regular programme, while others saw the opening speech by Rector Magnificus Tom Veldkamp after which they took part in an interactive cocktail workshop. Together with their colleagues present at the U Parkhotel they joined for a toast.

 Below is the event in several pictures. Thank you everyone for participating and see you next year!

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