
The WorkdayWasteWalk events on October 7 would be the physical start to enthuse our students, staff and regional partners to make a structural contribution to finding, recording and preventing litter on and around our campuses.

Cleaning up alone is not the solution!
Worldwide, and in the Netherlands specifically, there are more and more people who help to build valuable databases by recording (geo-tagging) found litter! With the help of this database, more and more real change is being enforced by engaging in factual discussions with the business community and directing and supporting politicians in their policy making: 

WorkdayWasteWalk@Home: join us from your own home (office)!
While working from home, you can stay in motion and feel extra good by contributing to a bigger goal: a cleaner world.

What do you need?

  1. A smartphone & install the app:
  2. An account at:
  3. Go outside with a plastic bag and gloves and/or a garbage disposal.
  4. "Put it on the Map - Pick it Up - Push for Change.

Then you are also a real Plastic Avenger, just like the Plastic Soup Surfer, Zwerfinator and many others.

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