Performance Anxiety training

Performance anxiety training

Any performance in which someone judges you on success or failure can be a cause for fear or panic. To challenge these, you give more than your best and put in a lot of hours in preparing, until the last moment. Or you avoid everything and suddenly become active in cleaning house or picking up committee work. There is a good chance that you suffer from a certain degree of performance anxiety!

In the Performance Anxiety Training, we will help you to take a closer look at that fear. You will be given an explanation of what performance anxiety is, and you will practice in ways to reduce your anxiety and increase your self-confidence. We focus on thinking, feeling and doing.

To get the most out of this training, it is important that you also try to apply what you have learned between sessions. "So don't delay your homework until the last day".

The Performance Anxiety Training will not take away your fear, but it will give you tools to deal with it in new ways. This way you can focus on what you need to do to perform as well as you can, without losing sight of yourself. The goal is not to become a different person, but a happier person.

  • Date

    soon to be announced

  • Time

    Wednesday 09.15 - 11.15 h.

  • Costs

    Free of costs

  • Max. number of participants


  • Where

    on Campus

To register please contact the secretariat of SGW: +31 53 489 2035, or visit our desk in the Vrijhof, 3rd floor, room 316 (red desk)

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