AI Experts | University of Twente
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AI Experts
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Applying AI (155)
dr. B.S.A. Alsadik (Bashar)
Assistant Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
ir. M. Bui (Michael)
PhD Candidate | BMS-TPS-HTSRUniversity College Twente (UCT), Health Technology & Services Research (HTSR)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being A. Continella (Andrea)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-SCSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security O.A.L. Eikenbroek (Oskar)
Assistant Professor | ET-CEM-TEMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Transport Engineering and Management (TEM)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
dr. M. Farrokhnia (Mohammadreza)
Assistant Professor | BMS-LDT-ISTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Instructional Technology (IST)Applying AI:
- Education A.K. Gavai MSc (Anand)
Assistant Professor (Guest) | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being M.E.T. Gerards (Marco)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-CAESUniversity College Twente (UCT), Computer Architecture Design and Test for Embedded Systems (CAES)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
dr. A.B. Grigolon (Anna)
Assistant Professor | ET-CEM-TPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Transport Planning (TP)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport F.W. Hahn (Florian)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-SCSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
dr. D. Huang (Dengpeng)
Assistant Professor | ET-MS3-ETEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Elastomer Technology and Engineering (ETE)Applying AI:
- Smart and Service Industry
dr. H.G.E. Meijer (Hil)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-AM-MIAUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
prof.dr. D. Meuwly (Didier)
Honorary Professor | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security K. Nizamis (Kostas)
Assistant Professor in Multidisciplinary Design | ET-DPM-SEMDUniversity College Twente (UCT), Systems Engineering & Multidisciplinary Design (SEMD)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
dr. N. Schwarz (Nina)
Assistant Professor | ITC-PGMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management (PGM)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Q. Shen (Qinshuo)
PhD Candidate | ET-CEM-MDUniversity College Twente (UCT), Market Dynamics (MD)Applying AI:
- Smart and Service Industry M. Tabak (Monique)
Full Professor & Chair of department BSS | EEMCS-EE-BSSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
A. Tirachini PhD (Alejandro)
Associate Professor | ET-CEM-TPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Transport Planning (TP)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
dr. E.H.F. van Asseldonk (Edwin)
Associate Professor | ET-BE-BRTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology (BRT)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being E.C. van Berkum (Eric)
Full Professor | ET-CEM-TEMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Transport Engineering and Management (TEM)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
dr. M.J.M. van Geel (Marieke)
Assistant Professor | BMS-LDT-ELANUniversity College Twente (UCT), ELAN Teacher Development (ELAN)Applying AI:
- Education
prof.dr. J.E.W.C. van Gemert - Pijnen PhD (Lisette)
Full Professor Persuasive Health Technology | BMS-HIB-PGTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Psychology, Health & Technology (PGT)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being P.H. Veltink (Peter)
Full Professor | EEMCS-EE-BSSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Y. Wang PhD (Ying)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-EE-BSSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being M. Abayazid (Momen)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-EE-RAMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
dr. R.M. Aguilar Bolivar (Rosa)
Assistant Professor | ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
- Health and Well-being M. Boon (Mieke)
Full Professor | BMS-TPS-WIJSBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Philosophy (WIJSB)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
N. Bouali MSc (Nacir)
Lecturer | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Natural Language Processing
dr. H. Cheng (Hongyang)
Assistant Professor | ET-CEM-SMMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Soil MicroMechanics (SMM)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. W. Corbo Ugulino (Wallace)
Lecturer | EEMCS-CS-SCSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)Applying AI:
- Education
- Smart and Service Industry
I.J. Da Silva Oliveira PhD (Ítalo)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-CS-SCSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
D.P. Davison PhD (Daniel)
Supporting staff | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
dr. R. Effing (Robin)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI G.A. Folkertsma (Geert)
Lecturer | EEMCS-EE-RAMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems Y. Huang (Yanqiu)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-PSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Pervasive Systems (PS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Edge AI and Sensors
dr. M.N. Koeva (Mila)
Associate Professor | ITC-PGMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management (PGM)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
- Smart and Service Industry R. Loendersloot (Richard)
Associate Professor | ET-MS3-AMDAUniversity College Twente (UCT), Applied Mechanics & Data Analysis (AMDA)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
A. Maleki (Abbas)
PhD Candidate | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
prof. A.D. Nelson (Andy)
Full Professor | ITC-NRSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Natural Resources (NRS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Geo Sciences
P.T. Rygiel MSc (Patryk)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-AM-MIAUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision S. Salama (Suhyb)
Associate Professor | ITC-WRSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Water Resources (WRS)Applying AI:
- Education
- Geo Sciences
dr. D.K. Sarmah MSc (Dipti)
Lecturer | EEMCS-CS-SCSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)Applying AI:
- Education
- Safe and Security M. Sartori (Massimo)
Full Professor and Chair of Neuromuscular Robotics | ET-BE-NEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Neuromechanical Engineering (NE)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
prof.dr. K. Schildkamp (Kim)
Full Professor | BMS-LDT-ELANUniversity College Twente (UCT), ELAN Teacher Development (ELAN)Applying AI:
- Education
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI J.M.J. Schutten (Marco)
Associate Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
dr. R.L. Shinde (Ravindra)
Researcher and Scientific Software Engineer | TNW-NEM-CCPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Computational Chemical Physics (CCP)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision A. van den Berg (Albert)
Professor Emeritus | EEMCS-EE-BIOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomedical and Environmental Sensorsystems (BIOS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being A.H. van den Boogaard (Ton)
Vice-dean Research, Faculty Engineering Technology; Professor Nonlinear Solid Mechanics | ET-MS3-NSMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Nonlinear Solid Mechanics (NSM)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Smart and Service Industry H. van der Kooij (Herman)
Full Professor Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology | Chairman department Biomechanical Engineering | ET-BE-BRTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology (BRT)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- AI 4 Hardware M.R. van Steen (Maarten)
Scientific Director Digital Society Institute | EEMCS-DSIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Digital Society Institute (DSI)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Edge AI and Sensors
prof.dr. M. Versluis (Michel)
Full Professor Physical and Medical Acoustics Physics of Fluids Group | TNW-POFUniversity College Twente (UCT), Physics of Fluids (POF)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
prof.dr. M. Vlasiou (Maria)
Full Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport P.W.M. Augustijn (Ellen-Wien)
Assistant Professor | ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Education
- Geo Sciences
- Health and Well-being A. Banerjee (Aayan)
Assistant Professor | TNW-CE-CPMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Catalytic Processes and Materials (CPM)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry A. Braaksma (Aleida)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. D. Bucur (Doina)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
P.S.U. Eneche (Patrick Samson Udama)
PhD Candidate (Guest) | ITC-PGMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management (PGM)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
dr. Y.J. Erden (Yj)
Associate Professor | BMS-TPS-WIJSBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Philosophy (WIJSB)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
ir. Z.H. Farahmand (Zakir)
PhD Candidate | ET-CEM-TEMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Transport Engineering and Management (TEM)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
O.D. Fatime MSc (Oumar)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-EE-BSSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning B. Gerrits (Berry)
Researcher | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
ir. R.L.A. Harmelink (Rogier)
Researcher | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. S. Janssen (Suzanne)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HIB-CSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Communication Science (CS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A. John (Arlene)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-EE-BSSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Edge AI and Sensors A.Q.L. Keemink (Arvid)
Assistant Professor | ET-BE-BRTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology (BRT)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning E.A. Lalla (Eduardo)
Associate Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI A.G. Leeftink (Gréanne)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks K. Niu (Kenan)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-EE-RAMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Edge AI and Sensors
J.M. Oliveira dos Santos PhD (Joao)
Assistant Professor | ET-CEM-MDUniversity College Twente (UCT), Market Dynamics (MD)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. F.O. Ostermann (Frank)
Associate Professor | ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Edge AI and Sensors
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI C. Persello (Claudio)
Adjunct Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. P.B. Rogetzer (Patricia)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
M. Schmettow (Martin)
Assistant Professor | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction L.J. Spreeuwers (Luuk)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
prof.dr. M.I.A. Stoelinga (Mariëlle)
Full Professor | EEMCS-CS-FMTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Formal Methods and Tools (FMT)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
F. Toso PhD (Francesca)
Assistant Professor | ET-DPM-HCDUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Centered Design (HCD)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI M.B. Ulak PhD (Baran)
Assistant Professor | ET-CEM-TPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Transport Planning (TP)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Traditional Machine Learning
J.J. van de Beld MSc (Jorn-Jan)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Human AI Interaction M.J.A.M. van Putten (Michel)
Full Professor | TNW-BIS-CNPHUniversity College Twente (UCT), Clinical Neurophysiology (CNPH)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI J.W.J.R. van t Klooster (Jan-Willem)
Scientific Director BMS LABApplying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI R.N.J. Veldhuis (Raymond)
Researcher (Guest) | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks M.G. Vosselman (George)
Full Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
dr. J.M. Wolterink (Jelmer)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-AM-MIAUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks A.B. Zander (Anne)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. A. Abhishta (Abhishta)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing
dr. F. Ahmed (Faizan)
Lecturer/Program Director BIT | EEMCS-CS-FMT, EEMCS-BFDUniversity College Twente (UCT), Formal Methods and Tools (FMT)
University College Twente (UCT), Managing Director (BFD)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning N. Alachiotis (Nikolaos)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-CAESUniversity College Twente (UCT), Computer Architecture Design and Test for Embedded Systems (CAES)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Edge AI and Sensors
- Hardware 4 AI
D.A. Balan (Dragos)
Researcher | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Deep Learning
- Human AI Interaction
prof.dr. R.J. Boucherie (Richard)
Full Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. F.A. Bukhsh (Faiza)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI A. Dahal (Ashok)
Assistant Professor | ITC-AESUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Applied Earth Sciences (AES)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Deep Learning
dr. D. Demirtas (Derya)
Associate Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. L. Ferreira Pires (Luis)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-SCSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning M.B. Franke (Meik)
Full Professor | TNW-CE-SPTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Sustainable Process Technology (SPT)Applying AI:
- Education
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI S. Girgin MSc (Serkan)
Associate Professor, Head of CRIB | ITC-CRIB, ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Center of Expertise in Big Geodata Science (CRIB)
University College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. V. Groenhuis (Vincent)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-EE-RAMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Hardware 4 AI
dr. F.R. Halfwerk (Frank)
Assistant Professor, Principal Investigator Cardiac Surgery Innovations Lab | ET-BE-EOSTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Engineering Organ Support Technologies (EOST)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
- Traditional Machine Learning
T.J. Heeringa MSc (Tjeerd Jan)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-AM-MIAUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
M. Khodadadzadeh (Mahdi)
Assistant Professor | ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. M.R. Machado (Marcos)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Traditional Machine Learning
dr. M. Poel (Mannes)
Researcher (Guest) | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
dr. M. Renkema (Maarten)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
Dipl.-Ing. Z. Rezgui MSc (Zohra)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
dr. A. Skopalik (Alexander)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
S. Srivastava (Sumit)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI C. Zaga (Cristina)
Assistant Professor | ET-DPM-HCDUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Centered Design (HCD)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI V. Zaytsev (Vadim)
Programme Director / Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-FMTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Formal Methods and Tools (FMT)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning R.H. Bemthuis (Rob)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-PSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Pervasive Systems (PS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Edge AI and Sensors M. Bokdam (Menno)
Assistant Professor | TNW-NEM-CCPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Computational Chemical Physics (CCP)Applying AI:
- Education
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
dr. S. Borsci (Simone)
Associate Professor of Human Factors and Cognitive Ergonomics | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI F. Dadrass Javan (Farzaneh)
Assistant Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
J.P. De Sousa Meneses (João)
PhD Candidate | TNW-BET-AOTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Advanced Organ bioengineering and Therapeutics (AOT)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
dr. C.M. Gevaert (Caroline)
Associate Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. J.A. Hüllmann MSc (Joschka)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. V.V. Lehtola (Ville)
Assistant Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Edge AI and Sensors
prof.dr. P.J.F. Lucas MD (Peter)
Professor Emeritus | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. C.G.M. Oudshoorn (Karin)
Associate Professor | BMS-TPS-HTSRUniversity College Twente (UCT), Health Technology & Services Research (HTSR)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. D.R.J. Prak (Dennis)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
S. Schneider (Sebastian)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Human AI Interaction
- Natural Language Processing
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
prof.Dr.-Ing. S. Thiede (Sebastian)
Full Professor, Chair of Manufacturing Systems | ET-DPM-MSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Manufacturing Systems (MS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. S.M. van den Berg (Stéphanie)
Associate Professor | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning T.S. van Ede MSc (Thijs)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-SCSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
- Natural Language Processing
dr. R. Vargas Maretto (Raian)
Assistant Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks M. Vlutters (Mark)
Assistant Professor | ET-BE-BRTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology (BRT)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- AI 4 Hardware
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Computer Vision
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
prof.dr. R. Zurita Milla (Raul)
Full Professor | ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Geo Sciences
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
prof.dr. C. Brune (Christoph)
Full Professor | EEMCS-AM-MIAUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning R.A. de By (Rolf)
Associate Professor | ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Natural Language Processing
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI G. Englebienne (Gwenn)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Human AI Interaction
- Natural Language Processing
- Traditional Machine Learning
X. Hu MSc (Xinyu)
PhD Candidate | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. I. Ibrahim (Imad)
Assistant Professor in Environmental Law and Governance | BMS-TPS-CSTMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
- Safe and Security
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Legal Requirements for AI
- Societal Context of AI F.C. Nex (Francesco)
Adjunct Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Safe and Security
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Edge AI and Sensors
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. J.L. Rebelo Moreira (João)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-SCSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks B. Rosic (Bojana)
Full Professor | ET-MS3-AMDAUniversity College Twente (UCT), Applied Mechanics & Data Analysis (AMDA)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
dr. A. Trivella (Alessio)
Assistant Professor of Operations Research | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Reinforcement Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
B.L.U. Udugama Vithanage MSc (Bavantha)
PhD Candidate | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Edge AI and Sensors
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. M.B. van Riemsdijk (Birna)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A.B.J.M. Wijnhoven (Fons)
Associate Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
dr. F. Yildirim (Funda)
Assistant Professor | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Education
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
H. Cheng (Hao)
Assistant Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
dr. M.L. Ehrenhard (Michel)
Associate Professor Strategy & Responsible Entrepreneurship | BMS-HBE-ETMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. M. Farnaghi (Mahdi)
Assistant Professor | ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Geo Sciences
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
- Natural Language Processing
dr. V.C. Göttel (Vincent)
Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship | BMS-HBE-ETMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
prof.dr. D.K.J. Heylen (Dirk)
Full Professor | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Natural Language Processing
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI G. Hoogsteen (Gerwin)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Edge AI and Sensors
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. A. Leszkiewicz (Agata)
Assistant Professor Marketing Analytics | BMS-HBE-ETMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI B.P. Veldkamp (Bernard)
Full Professor | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Human AI Interaction
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
- Natural Language Processing
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A. Asadi (Amin)
Assistant Professor in Data Science, AI, OR, and Logistics | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI W. d'Hollosy (Wendy)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-EE-BSSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI M.R.K. Mes (Martijn)
Full Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. J.P.S. Piest (Sebastian)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Human AI Interaction
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. J. Steinrücke (Johannes)
Assistant Professor | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Natural Language Processing
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A. Votsis (Athanasios)
Assistant ProfessorApplying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Legal Requirements for AI
- Societal Context of AI A. Chiumento (Alex)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-PSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Pervasive Systems (PS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being
- Safe and Security
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Deep Learning
- Edge AI and Sensors
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning M. van Keulen (Maurice)
Adjunct Professor | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Deep Learning
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Natural Language Processing
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
F.R. Akkerman (Fabian)
PhD Candidate | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Deep Learning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. D. Braun (Daniel)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
- Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Legal Requirements for AI
- Societal Context of AI
Developing (for) AI (134) S.H. Gerez (Sabih)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-CAESUniversity College Twente (UCT), Computer Architecture Design and Test for Embedded Systems (CAES)Developing (for) AI:
- Hardware 4 AI M.S. Oude Alink (Mark)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-EE-ICDUniversity College Twente (UCT), Integrated Circuit Design (ICD)Developing (for) AI:
- Hardware 4 AI M.I. Refai (Mohamed Irfan)
Assistant Professor | ET-BE-NEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Neuromechanical Engineering (NE)Developing (for) AI:
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. M. Schlottbom (Matthias)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-AM-MACSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Computational Science (MACS)Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. C. Stegehuis (Clara)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks A. Stein (Alfred)
Full Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
dr. P.M. ten Klooster (Peter)
Associate Professor | BMS-HIB-PGTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Psychology, Health & Technology (PGT)Developing (for) AI:
- Traditional Machine Learning M. Abayazid (Momen)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-EE-RAMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
N. Bouali MSc (Nacir)
Lecturer | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Natural Language Processing K.H. Chen (Kuan)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-CAESUniversity College Twente (UCT), Computer Architecture Design and Test for Embedded Systems (CAES)Developing (for) AI:
- Edge AI and Sensors
- Hardware 4 AI
dr. H. Cheng (Hongyang)
Assistant Professor | ET-CEM-SMMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Soil MicroMechanics (SMM)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
I.J. Da Silva Oliveira PhD (Ítalo)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-CS-SCSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
D.P. Davison PhD (Daniel)
Supporting staff | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction G.A. Folkertsma (Geert)
Lecturer | EEMCS-EE-RAMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems J. Goseling (Jasper)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks Y. Huang (Yanqiu)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-PSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Pervasive Systems (PS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Edge AI and Sensors
J.R.O. Osterrieder (Jörg)
Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Finance | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
P.T. Rygiel MSc (Patryk)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-AM-MIAUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision M. Sartori (Massimo)
Full Professor and Chair of Neuromuscular Robotics | ET-BE-NEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Neuromechanical Engineering (NE)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
dr. R.L. Shinde (Ravindra)
Researcher and Scientific Software Engineer | TNW-NEM-CCPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Computational Chemical Physics (CCP)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
dr. M. Theune (Mariet)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Natural Language Processing
dr. K.P. Truong (Khiet)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Natural Language Processing H. van der Kooij (Herman)
Full Professor Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology | Chairman department Biomechanical Engineering | ET-BE-BRTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology (BRT)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- AI 4 Hardware M.R. van Steen (Maarten)
Scientific Director Digital Society Institute | EEMCS-DSIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Digital Society Institute (DSI)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Edge AI and Sensors
prof.dr. M. Versluis (Michel)
Full Professor Physical and Medical Acoustics Physics of Fluids Group | TNW-POFUniversity College Twente (UCT), Physics of Fluids (POF)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. S. Wang (Shenghui)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Developing (for) AI:
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Natural Language Processing
dr. A. Weber (Andreas)
Associate Professor of Long-Term Development of Science and Technology | BMS-TPS-KiTeSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Knowledge, Transformation & Society (KiTeS)Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI A. Braaksma (Aleida)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. D. Bucur (Doina)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
P.S.U. Eneche (Patrick Samson Udama)
PhD Candidate (Guest) | ITC-PGMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management (PGM)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
ir. Z.H. Farahmand (Zakir)
PhD Candidate | ET-CEM-TEMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Transport Engineering and Management (TEM)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
O.D. Fatime MSc (Oumar)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-EE-BSSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning B. Gerrits (Berry)
Researcher | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
ir. R.L.A. Harmelink (Rogier)
Researcher | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. S. Janssen (Suzanne)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HIB-CSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Communication Science (CS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A. John (Arlene)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-EE-BSSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Edge AI and Sensors A.Q.L. Keemink (Arvid)
Assistant Professor | ET-BE-BRTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology (BRT)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning E.A. Lalla (Eduardo)
Associate Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI A.G. Leeftink (Gréanne)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. J. M. Meylahn (Janusz)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Developing (for) AI:
- Reinforcement Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Legal Requirements for AI K. Niu (Kenan)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-EE-RAMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Edge AI and Sensors
J.M. Oliveira dos Santos PhD (Joao)
Assistant Professor | ET-CEM-MDUniversity College Twente (UCT), Market Dynamics (MD)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. F.O. Ostermann (Frank)
Associate Professor | ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Edge AI and Sensors
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI C. Persello (Claudio)
Adjunct Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. P.B. Rogetzer (Patricia)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
M. Schmettow (Martin)
Assistant Professor | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction L.J. Spreeuwers (Luuk)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
prof.dr. M.I.A. Stoelinga (Mariëlle)
Full Professor | EEMCS-CS-FMTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Formal Methods and Tools (FMT)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
dr. N. Strisciuglio (Nicola)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning M.B. Ulak PhD (Baran)
Assistant Professor | ET-CEM-TPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Transport Planning (TP)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Traditional Machine Learning
J.J. van de Beld MSc (Jorn-Jan)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Human AI Interaction
dr. A.A.C.G. van der Graaf (Shenja)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HIB-CSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Communication Science (CS)Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Societal Context of AI M.J.A.M. van Putten (Michel)
Full Professor | TNW-BIS-CNPHUniversity College Twente (UCT), Clinical Neurophysiology (CNPH)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI J.W.J.R. van t Klooster (Jan-Willem)
Scientific Director BMS LABApplying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI R.N.J. Veldhuis (Raymond)
Researcher (Guest) | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks M.G. Vosselman (George)
Full Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
dr. J.M. Wolterink (Jelmer)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-AM-MIAUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Ying Yang
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Edge AI and Sensors A.B. Zander (Anne)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. A. Abhishta (Abhishta)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing
dr. F. Ahmed (Faizan)
Lecturer/Program Director BIT | EEMCS-CS-FMT, EEMCS-BFDUniversity College Twente (UCT), Formal Methods and Tools (FMT)
University College Twente (UCT), Managing Director (BFD)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning N. Alachiotis (Nikolaos)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-CAESUniversity College Twente (UCT), Computer Architecture Design and Test for Embedded Systems (CAES)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Edge AI and Sensors
- Hardware 4 AI
D.A. Balan (Dragos)
Researcher | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Deep Learning
- Human AI Interaction
prof.dr. R.J. Boucherie (Richard)
Full Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. F.A. Bukhsh (Faiza)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI A. Dahal (Ashok)
Assistant Professor | ITC-AESUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Applied Earth Sciences (AES)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Deep Learning
dr. D. Demirtas (Derya)
Associate Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. L. Ferreira Pires (Luis)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-SCSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning M.B. Franke (Meik)
Full Professor | TNW-CE-SPTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Sustainable Process Technology (SPT)Applying AI:
- Education
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI S. Girgin MSc (Serkan)
Associate Professor, Head of CRIB | ITC-CRIB, ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Center of Expertise in Big Geodata Science (CRIB)
University College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. S.M. Glas (Silke)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-AM-MASTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematical Systems Theory (MAST)Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Deep Learning
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Traditional Machine Learning
dr. V. Groenhuis (Vincent)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-EE-RAMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Hardware 4 AI
dr. F.R. Halfwerk (Frank)
Assistant Professor, Principal Investigator Cardiac Surgery Innovations Lab | ET-BE-EOSTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Engineering Organ Support Technologies (EOST)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
- Traditional Machine Learning
T.J. Heeringa MSc (Tjeerd Jan)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-AM-MIAUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
M. Khodadadzadeh (Mahdi)
Assistant Professor | ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. M.R. Machado (Marcos)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Traditional Machine Learning
dr. M. Poel (Mannes)
Researcher (Guest) | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
dr. M. Renkema (Maarten)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
Dipl.-Ing. Z. Rezgui MSc (Zohra)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
dr. A. Skopalik (Alexander)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
S. Srivastava (Sumit)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
A. Yousefzadeh PhD (Amirreza)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-CAESUniversity College Twente (UCT), Computer Architecture Design and Test for Embedded Systems (CAES)Developing (for) AI:
- AI 4 Hardware
- Computer Vision
- Edge AI and Sensors
- Hardware 4 AI C. Zaga (Cristina)
Assistant Professor | ET-DPM-HCDUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Centered Design (HCD)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI V. Zaytsev (Vadim)
Programme Director / Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-FMTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Formal Methods and Tools (FMT)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
dr. D. Babushkina PhD (Dina)
Assistant Professor | BMS-TPS-WIJSBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Philosophy (WIJSB)Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI R.H. Bemthuis (Rob)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-PSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Pervasive Systems (PS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Edge AI and Sensors M. Bokdam (Menno)
Assistant Professor | TNW-NEM-CCPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Computational Chemical Physics (CCP)Applying AI:
- Education
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
dr. S. Borsci (Simone)
Associate Professor of Human Factors and Cognitive Ergonomics | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI F. Dadrass Javan (Farzaneh)
Assistant Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
J.P. De Sousa Meneses (João)
PhD Candidate | TNW-BET-AOTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Advanced Organ bioengineering and Therapeutics (AOT)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
dr. C.M. Gevaert (Caroline)
Associate Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. J.A. Hüllmann MSc (Joschka)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. V.V. Lehtola (Ville)
Assistant Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Edge AI and Sensors
prof.dr. P.J.F. Lucas MD (Peter)
Professor Emeritus | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. C.G.M. Oudshoorn (Karin)
Associate Professor | BMS-TPS-HTSRUniversity College Twente (UCT), Health Technology & Services Research (HTSR)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. D.R.J. Prak (Dennis)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
S. Schneider (Sebastian)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Human AI Interaction
- Natural Language Processing
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
prof.Dr.-Ing. S. Thiede (Sebastian)
Full Professor, Chair of Manufacturing Systems | ET-DPM-MSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Manufacturing Systems (MS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. S.M. van den Berg (Stéphanie)
Associate Professor | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning T.S. van Ede MSc (Thijs)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-SCSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)Applying AI:
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
- Natural Language Processing
dr. R. Vargas Maretto (Raian)
Assistant Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks M. Vlutters (Mark)
Assistant Professor | ET-BE-BRTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology (BRT)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- AI 4 Hardware
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Computer Vision
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
prof.dr. R. Zurita Milla (Raul)
Full Professor | ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Geo Sciences
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
prof.dr. C. Brune (Christoph)
Full Professor | EEMCS-AM-MIAUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning R.A. de By (Rolf)
Associate Professor | ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Natural Language Processing
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI G. Englebienne (Gwenn)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Human AI Interaction
- Natural Language Processing
- Traditional Machine Learning
X. Hu MSc (Xinyu)
PhD Candidate | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. K. Karaca (Koray)
Assistant Professor | BMS-TPS-WIJSBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Philosophy (WIJSB)Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI F.C. Nex (Francesco)
Adjunct Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Safe and Security
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Edge AI and Sensors
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. J.L. Rebelo Moreira (João)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-SCSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks B. Rosic (Bojana)
Full Professor | ET-MS3-AMDAUniversity College Twente (UCT), Applied Mechanics & Data Analysis (AMDA)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
dr. A. Trivella (Alessio)
Assistant Professor of Operations Research | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Reinforcement Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
B.L.U. Udugama Vithanage MSc (Bavantha)
PhD Candidate | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Edge AI and Sensors
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. M.B. van Riemsdijk (Birna)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A.B.J.M. Wijnhoven (Fons)
Associate Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
dr. F. Yildirim (Funda)
Assistant Professor | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Education
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
H. Cheng (Hao)
Assistant Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
dr. M.L. Ehrenhard (Michel)
Associate Professor Strategy & Responsible Entrepreneurship | BMS-HBE-ETMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. M. Farnaghi (Mahdi)
Assistant Professor | ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Geo Sciences
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
- Natural Language Processing
dr. V.C. Göttel (Vincent)
Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship | BMS-HBE-ETMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
prof.dr. D.K.J. Heylen (Dirk)
Full Professor | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Natural Language Processing
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI G. Hoogsteen (Gerwin)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Edge AI and Sensors
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. A. Leszkiewicz (Agata)
Assistant Professor Marketing Analytics | BMS-HBE-ETMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI B.P. Veldkamp (Bernard)
Full Professor | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Human AI Interaction
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
- Natural Language Processing
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A. Asadi (Amin)
Assistant Professor in Data Science, AI, OR, and Logistics | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI W. d'Hollosy (Wendy)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-EE-BSSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI M.R.K. Mes (Martijn)
Full Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. J.P.S. Piest (Sebastian)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Human AI Interaction
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. J. Steinrücke (Johannes)
Assistant Professor | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Natural Language Processing
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A. Votsis (Athanasios)
Assistant ProfessorApplying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Legal Requirements for AI
- Societal Context of AI A. Chiumento (Alex)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-PSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Pervasive Systems (PS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being
- Safe and Security
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Deep Learning
- Edge AI and Sensors
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning M. van Keulen (Maurice)
Adjunct Professor | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Deep Learning
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Natural Language Processing
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
F.R. Akkerman (Fabian)
PhD Candidate | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Deep Learning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. D. Braun (Daniel)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
- Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Legal Requirements for AI
- Societal Context of AI
Researching AI (66)
dr. N. Gertz (Nolen)
Associate Professor | BMS-TPS-WIJSBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Philosophy (WIJSB)Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
dr. M.R.R. Ossewaarde (Ringo)
Associate Professor in Governance, Society & Technology | BMS-HIB-PAUniversity College Twente (UCT), Public Administration (PA)Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. P. Stegmaier (Peter)
Assistant Professor of Knowledge, Governance and Transformation | BMS-TPS-KiTeSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Knowledge, Transformation & Society (KiTeS)Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI M. Boon (Mieke)
Full Professor | BMS-TPS-WIJSBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Philosophy (WIJSB)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
U. Boro MSc BA (Udipta)
PhD Candidate | ITC-PGMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management (PGM)Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. R. Effing (Robin)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI H. Koffijberg (Erik)
Full Professor | BMS-TPS-HTSRUniversity College Twente (UCT), Health Technology & Services Research (HTSR)Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. F.V.M. Meissner (Fran)
Assistant Professor | ITC-PGMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management (PGM)Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
J.R.O. Osterrieder (Jörg)
Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Finance | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
prof.dr. K. Pfeffer (Karin)
Full Professor | ITC-PGMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management (PGM)Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
prof.dr. K. Schildkamp (Kim)
Full Professor | BMS-LDT-ELANUniversity College Twente (UCT), ELAN Teacher Development (ELAN)Applying AI:
- Education
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A. Weber (Andreas)
Associate Professor of Long-Term Development of Science and Technology | BMS-TPS-KiTeSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Knowledge, Transformation & Society (KiTeS)Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. D. Bucur (Doina)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. Y.J. Erden (Yj)
Associate Professor | BMS-TPS-WIJSBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Philosophy (WIJSB)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
ir. R.L.A. Harmelink (Rogier)
Researcher | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. S. Janssen (Suzanne)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HIB-CSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Communication Science (CS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
F. Koefer MSc (Franziska)
PhD Candidate | BMS-HBE-ETMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI E.A. Lalla (Eduardo)
Associate Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. J. M. Meylahn (Janusz)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Developing (for) AI:
- Reinforcement Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Legal Requirements for AI
dr. F.O. Ostermann (Frank)
Associate Professor | ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Edge AI and Sensors
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI C. Persello (Claudio)
Adjunct Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A.S. Puzio (Anna)
Researcher | BMS-TPS-WIJSBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Philosophy (WIJSB)Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. P.B. Rogetzer (Patricia)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
F. Toso PhD (Francesca)
Assistant Professor | ET-DPM-HCDUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Centered Design (HCD)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
dr. A.A.C.G. van der Graaf (Shenja)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HIB-CSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Communication Science (CS)Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Societal Context of AI M.J.A.M. van Putten (Michel)
Full Professor | TNW-BIS-CNPHUniversity College Twente (UCT), Clinical Neurophysiology (CNPH)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI J.W.J.R. van t Klooster (Jan-Willem)
Scientific Director BMS LABApplying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. F.A. Bukhsh (Faiza)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI M.B. Franke (Meik)
Full Professor | TNW-CE-SPTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Sustainable Process Technology (SPT)Applying AI:
- Education
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
Developing (for) AI:
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. M. Renkema (Maarten)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A. Skopalik (Alexander)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
S. Srivastava (Sumit)
PhD Candidate | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI C. Zaga (Cristina)
Assistant Professor | ET-DPM-HCDUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Centered Design (HCD)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. D. Babushkina PhD (Dina)
Assistant Professor | BMS-TPS-WIJSBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Philosophy (WIJSB)Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. S. Borsci (Simone)
Associate Professor of Human Factors and Cognitive Ergonomics | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
J.P. De Sousa Meneses (João)
PhD Candidate | TNW-BET-AOTUniversity College Twente (UCT), Advanced Organ bioengineering and Therapeutics (AOT)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
dr. C.M. Gevaert (Caroline)
Associate Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. J.A. Hüllmann MSc (Joschka)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. C.G.M. Oudshoorn (Karin)
Associate Professor | BMS-TPS-HTSRUniversity College Twente (UCT), Health Technology & Services Research (HTSR)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
S. Schneider (Sebastian)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Human AI Interaction
- Natural Language Processing
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
prof.Dr.-Ing. S. Thiede (Sebastian)
Full Professor, Chair of Manufacturing Systems | ET-DPM-MSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Manufacturing Systems (MS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI R.A. de By (Rolf)
Associate Professor | ITC-GIPUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Natural Language Processing
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
X. Hu MSc (Xinyu)
PhD Candidate | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. I. Ibrahim (Imad)
Assistant Professor in Environmental Law and Governance | BMS-TPS-CSTMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
- Safe and Security
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Legal Requirements for AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. K. Karaca (Koray)
Assistant Professor | BMS-TPS-WIJSBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Philosophy (WIJSB)Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI F.C. Nex (Francesco)
Adjunct Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Safe and Security
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Computer Vision
- Edge AI and Sensors
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. A. Trivella (Alessio)
Assistant Professor of Operations Research | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Reinforcement Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. M.B. van Riemsdijk (Birna)
Associate Professor | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A.B.J.M. Wijnhoven (Fons)
Associate Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
dr. F. Yildirim (Funda)
Assistant Professor | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Education
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
H. Cheng (Hao)
Assistant Professor | ITC-EOSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)Applying AI:
- Geo Sciences
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
dr. M.L. Ehrenhard (Michel)
Associate Professor Strategy & Responsible Entrepreneurship | BMS-HBE-ETMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. V.C. Göttel (Vincent)
Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship | BMS-HBE-ETMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)Applying AI:
- Education
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
prof.dr. D.K.J. Heylen (Dirk)
Full Professor | EEMCS-CS-HMIUniversity College Twente (UCT), Human Media Interaction (HMI)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Natural Language Processing
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI G. Hoogsteen (Gerwin)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-AM-MORUniversity College Twente (UCT), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Edge AI and Sensors
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. A. Leszkiewicz (Agata)
Assistant Professor Marketing Analytics | BMS-HBE-ETMUniversity College Twente (UCT), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI B.P. Veldkamp (Bernard)
Full Professor | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Human AI Interaction
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
- Natural Language Processing
Researching AI:
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A. Asadi (Amin)
Assistant Professor in Data Science, AI, OR, and Logistics | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI W. d'Hollosy (Wendy)
Assistant Professor | EEMCS-EE-BSSUniversity College Twente (UCT), Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS)Applying AI:
- Health and Well-being
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI M.R.K. Mes (Martijn)
Full Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. J.P.S. Piest (Sebastian)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Human AI Interaction
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. J. Steinrücke (Johannes)
Assistant Professor | BMS-LDT-CODEUniversity College Twente (UCT), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Natural Language Processing
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A. Votsis (Athanasios)
Assistant ProfessorApplying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI:
- Human AI Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Legal Requirements for AI
- Societal Context of AI M. van Keulen (Maurice)
Adjunct Professor | EEMCS-CS-DMBUniversity College Twente (UCT), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Deep Learning
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Natural Language Processing
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
F.R. Akkerman (Fabian)
PhD Candidate | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Autonomous Agent Systems
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Deep Learning
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
- Reinforcement Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. D. Braun (Daniel)
Assistant Professor | BMS-HBE-IEBISUniversity College Twente (UCT), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)Applying AI:
- Education
- Health and Well-being
- Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI:
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI:
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Legal Requirements for AI
- Societal Context of AI
Applying AI
Applying AI tries to start the filtering from the application domain specific. Although many AI-tools are not related to a certain domain, their embedding and application could be tailored towards a particular field. It therefor might be useful to start a search from this application area.
Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
Geo Sciences
Health and Well-being
Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
Mobility and Transport
Safe and Security
Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI
This domain under the name Developing (for) AI is mainly meant for those experts who are actually designing (parts) of AI-systems. Core engineering work, in general, and often not strictly related to a certain application domain, and of a more generic technological character.
Though, many scientists will design a specific element with in mind a certain application domain.
AI 4 Hardware
Autonomous Agent Systems
Computer Vision
Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Deep Learning
Edge AI and Sensors
Hardware 4 AI
Human AI Interaction
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Natural Language Processing
Reinforcement Learning
Traditional Machine Learning
Researching AI
The design, embedding and interaction of data science and artificial intelligence, could also be seen as an object of research itself.
Scientists witihin this dimension see AI as an interesting and expanding technology as a (passive) topic for study.
Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
Ethical Dimensions of AI
Legal Requirements for AI
Societal Context of AI
dr. B.S.A. Alsadik (Bashar)
Applying AI
- Geo Sciences
ir. M. Bui (Michael)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being A. Continella (Andrea)
Applying AI
- Safe and Security O.A.L. Eikenbroek (Oskar)
Applying AI
- Mobility and Transport
dr. M. Farrokhnia (Mohammadreza)
Applying AI
- Education A.K. Gavai MSc (Anand)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being M.E.T. Gerards (Marco)
Applying AI
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity S.H. Gerez (Sabih)
Developing (for) AI
- Hardware 4 AI
dr. N. Gertz (Nolen)
Researching AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
dr. A.B. Grigolon (Anna)
Applying AI
- Mobility and Transport F.W. Hahn (Florian)
Applying AI
- Safe and Security
dr. D. Huang (Dengpeng)
Applying AI
- Smart and Service Industry
dr. H.G.E. Meijer (Hil)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
prof.dr. D. Meuwly (Didier)
Applying AI
- Safe and Security K. Nizamis (Kostas)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
dr. M.R.R. Ossewaarde (Ringo)
Researching AI
- Societal Context of AI M.S. Oude Alink (Mark)
Developing (for) AI
- Hardware 4 AI M.I. Refai (Mohamed Irfan)
Developing (for) AI
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. M. Schlottbom (Matthias)
Developing (for) AI
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. N. Schwarz (Nina)
Applying AI
- Geo Sciences
Q. Shen (Qinshuo)
Applying AI
- Smart and Service Industry
dr. C. Stegehuis (Clara)
Developing (for) AI
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. P. Stegmaier (Peter)
Researching AI
- Societal Context of AI A. Stein (Alfred)
Developing (for) AI
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment M. Tabak (Monique)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
dr. P.M. ten Klooster (Peter)
Developing (for) AI
- Traditional Machine Learning
A. Tirachini PhD (Alejandro)
Applying AI
- Mobility and Transport
dr. E.H.F. van Asseldonk (Edwin)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being E.C. van Berkum (Eric)
Applying AI
- Mobility and Transport
dr. M.J.M. van Geel (Marieke)
Applying AI
- Education
prof.dr. J.E.W.C. van Gemert - Pijnen PhD (Lisette)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being P.H. Veltink (Peter)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Y. Wang PhD (Ying)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being M. Abayazid (Momen)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Computer Vision
dr. R.M. Aguilar Bolivar (Rosa)
Applying AI
- Geo Sciences
- Health and Well-being M. Boon (Mieke)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Researching AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
U. Boro MSc BA (Udipta)
Researching AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
N. Bouali MSc (Nacir)
Applying AI
- Education
Developing (for) AI
- Natural Language Processing K.H. Chen (Kuan)
Developing (for) AI
- Edge AI and Sensors
- Hardware 4 AI
dr. H. Cheng (Hongyang)
Applying AI
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. W. Corbo Ugulino (Wallace)
Applying AI
- Education
- Smart and Service Industry
I.J. Da Silva Oliveira PhD (Ítalo)
Applying AI
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
D.P. Davison PhD (Daniel)
Applying AI
- Education
Developing (for) AI
- Human AI Interaction
dr. R. Effing (Robin)
Applying AI
- Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
Researching AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI G.A. Folkertsma (Geert)
Applying AI
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI
- Autonomous Agent Systems J. Goseling (Jasper)
Developing (for) AI
- Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks Y. Huang (Yanqiu)
Applying AI
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI
- Edge AI and Sensors
dr. M.N. Koeva (Mila)
Applying AI
- Geo Sciences
- Smart and Service Industry H. Koffijberg (Erik)
Researching AI
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Societal Context of AI R. Loendersloot (Richard)
Applying AI
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
A. Maleki (Abbas)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
dr. F.V.M. Meissner (Fran)
Researching AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
prof. A.D. Nelson (Andy)
Applying AI
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Geo Sciences
J.R.O. Osterrieder (Jörg)
Developing (for) AI
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
prof.dr. K. Pfeffer (Karin)
Researching AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
P.T. Rygiel MSc (Patryk)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Computer Vision S. Salama (Suhyb)
Applying AI
- Education
- Geo Sciences
dr. D.K. Sarmah MSc (Dipti)
Applying AI
- Education
- Safe and Security M. Sartori (Massimo)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Autonomous Agent Systems
prof.dr. K. Schildkamp (Kim)
Applying AI
- Education
Researching AI
- Societal Context of AI J.M.J. Schutten (Marco)
Applying AI
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry
dr. R.L. Shinde (Ravindra)
Applying AI
- Education
Developing (for) AI
- Computer Vision
dr. M. Theune (Mariet)
Developing (for) AI
- Human AI Interaction
- Natural Language Processing
dr. K.P. Truong (Khiet)
Developing (for) AI
- Human AI Interaction
- Natural Language Processing A. van den Berg (Albert)
Applying AI
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Health and Well-being A.H. van den Boogaard (Ton)
Applying AI
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Smart and Service Industry H. van der Kooij (Herman)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- AI 4 Hardware M.R. van Steen (Maarten)
Applying AI
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI
- Edge AI and Sensors
prof.dr. M. Versluis (Michel)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
prof.dr. M. Vlasiou (Maria)
Applying AI
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
dr. S. Wang (Shenghui)
Developing (for) AI
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Natural Language Processing
dr. A. Weber (Andreas)
Developing (for) AI
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI
- Societal Context of AI P.W.M. Augustijn (Ellen-Wien)
Applying AI
- Education
- Geo Sciences
- Health and Well-being A. Banerjee (Aayan)
Applying AI
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
- Smart and Service Industry A. Braaksma (Aleida)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. D. Bucur (Doina)
Applying AI
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
Developing (for) AI
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI
- Societal Context of AI
P.S.U. Eneche (Patrick Samson Udama)
Applying AI
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
dr. Y.J. Erden (Yj)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Researching AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
ir. Z.H. Farahmand (Zakir)
Applying AI
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
O.D. Fatime MSc (Oumar)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning B. Gerrits (Berry)
Applying AI
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI
- Autonomous Agent Systems
ir. R.L.A. Harmelink (Rogier)
Applying AI
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Researching AI
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
dr. S. Janssen (Suzanne)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A. John (Arlene)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Deep Learning
- Edge AI and Sensors A.Q.L. Keemink (Arvid)
Applying AI
- Education
Developing (for) AI
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
F. Koefer MSc (Franziska)
Researching AI
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI E.A. Lalla (Eduardo)
Applying AI
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
Researching AI
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI A.G. Leeftink (Gréanne)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
dr. J. M. Meylahn (Janusz)
Developing (for) AI
- Reinforcement Learning
Researching AI
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Legal Requirements for AI K. Niu (Kenan)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Computer Vision
- Edge AI and Sensors
J.M. Oliveira dos Santos PhD (Joao)
Applying AI
- Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. F.O. Ostermann (Frank)
Applying AI
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI
- Edge AI and Sensors
Researching AI
- Societal Context of AI C. Persello (Claudio)
Applying AI
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. A.S. Puzio (Anna)
Researching AI
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
- Societal Context of AI
dr. P.B. Rogetzer (Patricia)
Applying AI
- Education
Developing (for) AI
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI
M. Schmettow (Martin)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
- Mobility and Transport
Developing (for) AI
- Human AI Interaction L.J. Spreeuwers (Luuk)
Applying AI
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
prof.dr. M.I.A. Stoelinga (Mariëlle)
Applying AI
- Safe and Security
- Smart and Service Industry
Developing (for) AI
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
dr. N. Strisciuglio (Nicola)
Developing (for) AI
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Traditional Machine Learning
F. Toso PhD (Francesca)
Applying AI
- Education
- Health and Well-being
Researching AI
- Ethical Dimensions of AI M.B. Ulak PhD (Baran)
Applying AI
- Mobility and Transport
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI
- Traditional Machine Learning
J.J. van de Beld MSc (Jorn-Jan)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Deep Learning
- Human AI Interaction
dr. A.A.C.G. van der Graaf (Shenja)
Developing (for) AI
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
- Societal Context of AI M.J.A.M. van Putten (Michel)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Human AI Interaction
Researching AI
- Economical / Environmental Impact of AI J.W.J.R. van t Klooster (Jan-Willem)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Researching AI
- Societal Context of AI R.N.J. Veldhuis (Raymond)
Applying AI
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks M.G. Vosselman (George)
Applying AI
- Geo Sciences
Developing (for) AI
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
dr. J.M. Wolterink (Jelmer)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
Ying Yang A.B. Zander (Anne)
Applying AI
- Health and Well-being
Developing (for) AI
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Reinforcement Learning
dr. A. Abhishta (Abhishta)
Applying AI
- Safe and Security
Developing (for) AI
- Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
- Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing