Since 2020, the University of Twente and the province of Overijssel joined the European project 'Responsible Research and Innovation Ecosystems at Regional Scale for Intelligent Cities, Transport and Energy' (RRI2SCALE).


From 2020 to 2023, the project partners will design an approach to enable regions to make their research and innovation policies inclusive and future-proof. Apart from Overijssel, the European regions Galicia, Crete and the Norwegian Vestland participate.

The need for Responsible Research & Innovation

Both at the national and the international level, more and more people recognise the need to design and carry out responsible research and innovation (RRI). The aim of this approach is to foster the design of inclusive and sustainable research and innovation. 

This project uses RRI as 'a package', which includes multi-actor and public engagement in research and innovation, enabling easier access to scientific results, the take up of gender and ethics in the research and innovation content and process, and formal and informal science education.

Contribution of DesignLab

The province of Overijssel and the University of Twente signed a collaboration agreement in 2018, which resulted in the joint participation in this European project. The method chosen for the project matches the vision of UT, as defined in strategy Shaping 2030, which focuses on Citizen Science, Responsible Design, Open Science and Public Engagement. 

Within RRI2SCALE, DesignLab is responsible for setting up workshops in the four regions on future scenarios and regional innovation agendas. DesignLab explicitly focuses on Citizen Science and involving citizens in designing solutions to social challenges, such as energy transition, sustainable mobility, and smart cities. With Responsible Design and Citizen Science as its focus areas, DesignLab is well equipped for this.

Dr. Anne Dijkstra, researcher in the field of Science Communication and a DesignLab Research Fellow, is responsible for research and development of techno-moral scenarios within this project.

Anne Dijkstra,, researcher at BMS Faculty & DesignLab fellow

The project is a great way to better connect the university with what is happening in the region, and to take this into account in research

Anne Dijkstra,, researcher at BMS Faculty & DesignLab fellow


The project is funded in the context of the work programme 'Science with and for Society' of the European Horizon 2020 research programme. With the following partners, who represent a variety of disciplines, a transdisciplinary way of working is being realised:

More information

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Maya van den Berg, programme manager DesignLab, or Anne Dijkstra, researcher at the BMS Faculty of the University of Twente.

For more detailed project information and updates, you can visit the project website.

Check the RRI2SCALE website and newsletter -> Update 08-07-2024: You will be referred to the website of one of the RRI2SCALE partners.
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