UTServicesLISADigital Competence Centre, DCCUT researchers receive FAIR data fund from 4TU.ResearchData

UT researchers receive FAIR data fund from 4TU.ResearchData

Monday 17 May 2021 the successful applicants of the FAIR data fund spring call were announced and we are proud to see that four out of seven grantees are UT researchers.

We’d like to congratulate Frank Halfwerk, Michelle Kip and Ria Wolkorte and João Moreira with their grant! This FAIR data fund offers researchers an opportunity to cover the costs of making their data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (The FAIR principles).

More information about their granted proposals and what they will use their grant for can be found on the 4TU community platform. Of course we will follow their projects and inform you later on about what they achieved with their grants.

Again congratulations to all of you and we are looking forward to the work you are going to do in making your data FAIR. Good luck with that!