Digitalization of Science

More and more digital technologies are rapidly emerging that will be used in research now and in the near future. These technologies are summarized with the term digitalization. Digitalization offers opportunities and can provide great added value, for example, by allowing research to be conducted more quickly or by solving complex problems. Nevertheless, we are still in the middle of this transition and not all digitalization issues have been solved yet. Not all application possibilities are known yet. The DCC is happy to help think about these issues.

Co-creation with researchers

The added value of the DCC is that these subjects are no longer approached in a fragmented way. In co-production with researchers, we try to think up solutions that we can offer as an integral part of the university. But there are also risks such as privacy and security. Here too, the DCC is a good starting point so that the right expertise can be called in quickly.

Applications have already been realized in co-production with researchers, such as JupyterLabs, a Virtual Research Environment and an archive system for research data (Areda) which is currently in a user evaluation process.